2984 publications
Sickness Absence in the NICS Background Quality Report - October 2018
PfG 2016-21 Measurement Annex - % who think all leisure centres, parks, libraries and shopping centres in their areas are 'shared and open' to both Protestants and Catholics
PfG 2016-21 Measurement Annex - % of the population who believe their cultural identity is respected by society
Archive quarterly tourism statistics publications
Archive quarterly tourism statistics publications can be accessed below.
Construction Output Statistics - Q2-2018
Correction to the Quarter 2 2018 Construction Output Statistics
NICEI downloadable tables Q2-2018
NICEI publication and tables Q2-2018
NICEI Q2 2018 bulletins, combined statistical press release, charts and tables
HRCS Publication Schedule - October 2018
The HRCS Publication Schedule for the next twelve months, as of 10th October 2018.
PfG 2016-21 Measurement Annex - Economic inactivity rate excluding students
In 2019, the economic inactivity rate (excluding students) was 19.7%.
PfG 2016-21 Measurement Annex - Employment rate of 16-64 year olds by deprivation quintile
Employment rate of 16-64 year olds by deprivation quintile
PfG 2016-21 Measurement Annex - % people working part time who would like to work more hours
The part-time underemployment rate in 2019 was 15.6%.
PfG 2016-21 Measurement Annex - Employment rate by council area
PfG 2016-21 Measurement Annex - Reoffending rate
The reoffending rate for the latest cohort, (2017/18) was 19.03%.
PfG 2016/21 Measurement Annex - Proportion of the workforce in employment qualified to level 1 and above, level 2 and above, level 3 and above, and level 4 and above
BRES Publications and Tables 2017
Publications and Tables from the Business Register and Employment Survey 2017
BRES 2017 downloadable tables
Sickness Absence in the Northern Ireland Civil Service 2017/18
Personal Wellbeing in Northern Ireland: 2017/18
Estimates of the Population Aged 85 and Over, Northern Ireland, 2017 (and 2001 to 2016 revised)
Estimates of the Population Aged 85 and Over
Estimates of the Population Aged 85 and Over, Northern Ireland, 2017 (and 2001 to 2016 revised) Statistical Bulletin Charts
Estimates of the population aged 85 and over, Northern Ireland, 2017 statistical bulletin figures one to 14, tables one and two and annex A.