2984 publications
Equality Statistics for the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 2013
Regional GVA (Income Approach) bulletin and tables and Note on comparison with ABI
Regional GVA (Income Approach)
Archive publications - MSES
Manufacturing Sales & Exports Survey archived publications
Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 1st October 2014
Personnel Statistics for the NICS - 2014
2011 Census - Workplace Population Statistics for Northern Ireland
Alternative population statistics comprises estimating of the number and characteristics of the workplace population of Northern Ireland.
2011 Census - User Engagement Event
As part of its ongoing user consultation, NISRA organised two user engagement events to discuss outputs from the 2011 Census.
2012-based Population Projections for Areas within Northern Ireland
Population projections by age and sex are produced every two years for the UK and its constituent countries by the Office for National Statistics.
Labour Force Survey tables for council area and NUTS III 2013
Tables for council area and NUTS III 2013
The Future Provision of Census of Population Information for Northern Ireland
On 27 October 2014 NISRA published indicative proposals for a 2021 Census.
The use of administrative data in population estimates
A research paper on the creation of an Administrative Data Population Estimate (ADPE).
Online data collection in the census
A research paper regarding online data collection in the census.
Data matching using Northern Ireland administrative data
A research paper on data matching using Northern Ireland administrative data.
Sickness Absence in the Northern Ireland Civil Service 2013/14
This report provides an analysis of sickness absence data for staff in the Northern Ireland Civil Service over the 2013/2014 financial year.
Scoping study to develop a set of Supply Use Tables for NI - Interim Report March 2014
Documents relevant to user views on the development of a set of Supply-Use tables for Northern Ireland.
Statistics Advisory Committee Minutes 10 October 2014
User views on the development of a set of Supply Use tables for Northern Ireland - research findings October 2014
Documents relevant to user views on the development of a set of Supply-Use tables for Northern Ireland.
Estimates of the Population Aged 85 and Over, Northern Ireland, 2013 (and 2001 to 2012 revised) Statistical Bulletin
Estimates of the Population Aged 85 and Over
2011 Census - Population Tables
Download the 2011 Census - Population Tables report.
2011 Census - Key Statistics Summary Report
Key Statistics Summary Report from the 2011 Census provides key statistics for the majority of census questions and topics.