2984 publications
CT0011 Mains gas central heating by section 75 variables - LGD
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in NI living in households with mains gas central heating by section 75 variables.
CT0010 Mains gas central heating by section 75 variables - NI
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in NI living in households with mains gas central heating by section 75 variables.
CT0014 Electric central heating by section 75 variables - LGD
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in NI living in households with electric central heating by section 75 variables.
CT0013 Electric central heating by section 75 variables - NI
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in NI living in households with electric central heating by section 75 variables.
CT0021 Central heating indicator by section 75 variables - Urban status
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in NI living in households with or without central heating by section 75 variables.
CT0022 Main central heating system by section 75 variables - NI
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in NI living in households by main type of central heating, by section 75 variables.
CT0018 Renewable central heating by section 75 variables - Urban status
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in NI living in households with renewable central heating by section 75 variables.
CT0020 Central heating indicator by section 75 variables - LGD
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in NI living in households with or without central heating by section 75 variables.
CT0015 Electric central heating by section 75 variables - Urban status
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in NI living in households with electric central heating by section 75 variables.
CT0017 Renewable central heating by section 75 variables - LGD
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in NI living in households with renewable central heating by section 75 variables.
CT0019 Central heating indicator by section 75 variables - NI
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in NI living in households with or without central heating by section 75 variables.
CT0016 Renewable central heating by section 75 variables - NI
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in NI living in households with renewable central heating by section 75 variables.
CT0029 Households containing persons aged 16 and under, persons aged 65+, or persons with long-term health problem or disability by main central heating system and accommodation type
Census 2021 estimates that classify selected household compositions in Northern Ireland by the main central heating system and accommodation type.
CT0027 Air source renewable energy systems and oil or mains gas central heating - NI
Census 2021 estimates for the number of households in Northern Ireland by air source renewable energy system and oil or mains gas central heating.
CT0024 Main central heating system by section 75 variables - Urban status
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in NI living in households by main type of central heating, by section 75 variables.
CT0028 Air source renewable energy systems by main central heating system - NI
Census 2021 estimates for the number of households in NI by main central heating system and by whether they have air source renewable energy system.
CT0023 Main central heating system by section 75 variables - LGD
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in NI living in households by main type of central heating, by section 75 variables.
CT0026 Number of renewable energy systems - NI
Census 2021 estimates for the number of households in Northern Ireland by the count of renewable energy systems they have.
CT0025 Renewable energy systems - full detail - NI
Census 2021 estimates for the number of households in Northern Ireland by the type of renewable energy systems.
Weekly deaths tables – week ending 20 October 2023