Labour Market Statistics User Group 2021
Labour Market Statistics User Group Meeting 2021
Date published:
Statistics: Labour Market Overview, Labour Force Survey, Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, Quarterly Employment Survey, Redundancies, Claimant Count, Annual Employee Jobs Surveys, Business Register and Employment Survey, Census of Employment, Labour Market Statistics User Engagement
Date: Thursday 30th September 2021, 10:00-11:30am
Location: Online
Summary: This meeting will include an overview of recent and planned developments in labour market statistics and give users an opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions on labour market outputs.
- Welcome and Introduction
- Measuring Jobs and Earnings
- Business Register and Employment Survey
- Quarterly Employment Survey
- Real Time Information from PAYE
- Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings
- Q&A and Discussion
- Labour Force Survey and Administrative Sources
- Claimant count, furlough, and redundancies
- Data collections, processing, and production
- Developments and outputs
- Dashboards
- Q&A and Discussion
- Close