Census of Employment

The Census of Employment is a survey of all employers in Northern Ireland.

Latest Results - published 31 July 2014

  • the total number of employee jobs in September 2013 was 704,017, an increase of 10,934 jobs (1.6 per cent) since September 2011
  • of the 26 District Council Areas eight recorded a decrease in the number of employee jobs since 2011
  • the largest percentage decreases were recorded in Strabane (2.3 per cent or 207 jobs), Larne (2.2 per cent or 182 jobs) and Ballymoney (1.3 per cent or 90 jobs)
  • the largest percentage increases were recorded in Dungannon (9.5 per cent or 1,993 jobs), Moyle (6.2 per cent or 196 jobs) and Craigavon (4.7 per cent or 1,732 jobs)
  • between September 2011 and September 2013, the number of jobs in the Services sector rose by 11,236 jobs (2 per cent), the Construction sector decreased by 3,548 jobs (10.8 per cent) and the number of the Manufacturing sector jobs rose by 1,034 (1.4 per cent). The ‘Other’ sector showed an increase of 2,212 jobs (11.1 per cent)
  • between September 2011 and September 2013, there was a decrease in jobs in the Public sector (0.1 per cent or 219 jobs) and a rise in the Private sector (2.3 per cent or 11,153 jobs)
  • between September 2011 and September 2013 both full-time and part-time jobs increased by 6,900 and 4,034 respectively
  • between September 2011 and September 2013 both male and female jobs increased - male jobs increased by 7,104 and female jobs increased by 3,830

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Contacts for Census of Employment

Annual Employee Jobs Surveys

Ciaran O'Callaghan
Tel: 028 9055 5264
Email: ciaran.ocallaghan@nisra.gov.uk
Twitter: @NISRA