Registrar General Quarterly Tables 2020
Registrar General Quarterly Tables 2020
Date published:
Statistics: Births, deaths and marriages, Births, Deaths, Stillbirths & Infant Deaths, Cause of Death, Registrar General Quarterly Tables, Registrar General Quarterly Report, Coronavirus (COVID-19) statistics, COVID-19 related analysis
NISRA are currently reviewing suicides. NISRA recommends that until a course of action has been agreed, users should refer to the sub-series relating to self-inflicted injury only (ICD-10 codes X60-X84, Y87.0). See Guidance Note to Users on Suicide Statistics in Northern Ireland for further details.
Revision Notice 22 March 2020: provisional data on cause of death in 2020 were revised during the production of subsequent quarters in light of new information relating to Coroner’s cases. All estimates were correct at the time of publishing based on the information available at that time, but there can be a delay of several months in receiving the outcome of a coroner’s case. Revisions have been marked in red, generally impact suicide deaths and are in line with Vital Statics Revisions and Errors Policy improving the accuracy of the data.
Due to user interest, tables 4a and 4b in each of the 2020 quarters now includes a sub category for deaths where influenza (ICD codes J09-J11) was the underlying cause.