COVID-19 related analysis

This page links to analysis on COVID-19's impact on the NI labour market, published in response to user requests or ONS/HMRC reports.

Regular Labour markets outputs and commentary can be found on the Labour Market and Social Welfare page.

Earnings Statistics

Estimates of employee earnings as at April 2020 are available from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings.

25% of employees in the survey were furloughed and 15% of employees were on furlough rates of pay. (i.e. pay not topped up by employers).

Earnings publication including impact of furlough pay ASHE 2020 

Background information on how furlough affects median pay  Understanding changes in the median


Topic paper focusing on the trends in redundancies in Northern Ireland since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic is available on the Redundancies in NI Special Focus - March to August 2020 page.


Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and Self Employment Income Support Scheme statistics

Statistics published by HMRC include information at NI, Local Government District and Parliamentary Constituency.


Homeworking in the UK labour market (tables published by ONS); Table 6 and Table 7 include breakdowns of the prevalence of homeworking by region.

Travel to work

Usual method of travel to work tables includes disaggregation by occupation groups and industry sections.

Hours worked

A short paper focused on those in employment and the variation of hours worked in 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic, and during 2020 is available on the employment and hours worked page.


Topic paper and accompanying tables addressing the number of and characteristics of the self-employed in Northern Ireland in 2019, providing a baseline before the COVID-19 pandemic available on the self-employment in Northern Ireland topic paper page.

Self-employment by NUTS1 (tables published by ONS) includes analysis of self-employment in UK regions including hours worked per week and tenure.

Key workers

Key workers (tables published by ONS) Table 17 contains estimates of the numbers and characteristics of those who could be considered as potential “key workers” in the response to the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Temporary employees

Ways in which employees are temporarily employed tables published from the LFS by NISRA.

Employed aged 60+

Coronavirus and employment for those aged 70 years and over, 65 years and over, and 60 years and over, in the UK (tables published by ONS). Table 5 contains employment by age by UK region.

Business Impact of Covid 19 Survey (BICS) Results

ONS have published the latest results from the new voluntary business survey which captures business responses on how their turnover, workforce prices, trade and business resilience have been affected. Northern Ireland data is included in the following tables

  • Tables 2-3
  • Tables 5 - 10
  • Tables 12, 19, 24, 58
  • Tables 35 -36
  • Tables 38-44

Business Impact of Covid 19 Survey (BICS) Results