Date published:
Statistics: Cause of Death, Suicide Deaths
These tables detail the number of suicides registered in Northern Ireland in 2019 and provide additional information on age, sex, geographical area and time taken to register the death. They have been produced as an addendum to the Annual Report of the Registrar General.
To access provisional suicide numbers for 2020, please see our Quarterly Tables.
NISRA is currently working with the Coroners Service in relation to a quality issue identified in the Northern Ireland Suicide deaths data series. This affects the period 2015 to 2018 & 2020. The Guidance Note outlines the current review of Suicide Statistics in Northern Ireland. The review initially set out to cover undetermined drug related cases from 2015-2018; however, NISRA and the Coroners Service will also revisit the provisional 2020 undetermined deaths. It is NISRA’s intention to publish a report containing the out-workings of this review, including key background information on why and how this review was undertaken along with a new time series. This report was initially expected in March 2022, but, given the expansion of the review to take in some 2020 cases, publication will take place on 26 May.