142 publications
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2014-based Population Projections for Northern Ireland Statistical Bulletin Charts
2014-based population projections for Northern Ireland statistical bulletin figures one to fourteen and tables one to five.
Estimates of the Population Aged 85 and Over, Northern Ireland, 2014 (and 2001 to 2013 revised) Statistical Bulletin
Estimates of the Population Aged 85 and Over
Long-Term International Migration Statistics for Northern Ireland (2014) Statistical Bulletin
Long-term international migration statistics for Northern Ireland (2014) bulletin and bulletin figures two to twelve, tables 1 to 3 and map 1.
2014 Mid Year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland
The 2014 mid year population estimates for the Northern Ireland population and areas within Northern Ireland.
Registrar General Annual Report 2015 - Population Infographic
Registrar General Annual Report 2015 - Population
Northern Ireland Household Projections (2012-based)
Analyses of the household projections for Northern Ireland and the Local Government Districts.
Northern Ireland Household Projections (2012-based) Bulletin Charts
2012-based household projections for Northern Ireland bulletin figures one to five, figure b.1 and tables one to nine.
Northern Ireland Household Projections (2012-based) Methodology Report Charts
2012-based household projections for Northern Ireland methodology report figures one and two, tables one to seven and tables B1, B2, C1, D1,D2 and E1.
2012-based Population Projections for Areas within Northern Ireland
Population projections by age and sex are produced every two years for the UK and its constituent countries by the Office for National Statistics.
Estimates of the Population Aged 85 and Over, Northern Ireland, 2013 (and 2001 to 2012 revised) Statistical Bulletin
Estimates of the Population Aged 85 and Over
Regional Development Office Population Estimates by Specific Age Bands (2001-2014)
Commissioned output for the Regional Development Office - Population Estimates by Specific Age Bands (2011-2014)
Health and Social Care Trusts Population by age, sex and deprivation quintiles (2001-2014)
Commissioned output - population by age, sex and deprivation quintiles by Health and Social Care Trusts (2001-2014)
Net International, Great Britain and Internal Migration by age and former 26 LGDs (2013)
Commissioned output - Net International, Great Britain and Internal Migration by age and former 26 LGDs (2013)
Net International and Great Britain Migration by Age and Sex (2011-2013)
Commissioned output - net international and Great Britain migration by age and sex (2011-2013)
NISRA Customer Survey DMB Results 2014
Results from the 2014 NISRA Customer Survey for Demography and Methodology Branch.
Population Statistics Presentations
Various presentations related to population statistics.
2013 Mid Year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland Statistical Bulletin
2013 mid year population estimates for Northern Ireland statistical bulletin and figures one to eight.
2012 Mid Year Population Estimates for Small Areas Statistical Bulletin
2012 Mid Year Population Estimates for Small Areas
Population Statistics Revisions Policy
Population, migration and life events statistics revisions Policy