11 publications
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Current publication - Broad Economy Sales & Exports Statistics
Northern Ireland Economic Trade Statistics 2023, published 11 December 2024.
Archive publications - Broad Economy Sales and Exports Statistics
Previous Broad Economy Sales and Exports publications and methodology paper.
Overview of Northern Ireland Trade
The following documents provide an overview of the latest available data on NI trade with GB, IE, the REU and the RoW.
Overview of Northern Ireland Trade with Great Britain
The following provides an overview of Northern Ireland trade in goods with Great Britain.
Usage, methods and quality and revisions policy - BESES
Usage, methods and quality and revisions policy
NIETS 2021 downloadable tables
Background information - Northern Ireland Economic Trade Statistics
Background information for Northern Ireland Economic Trade Statistics
BESES 2020 Goods and Services downloadable tables
Broad Economy Sales and Exports Statistics User Consultation Results
In December 2022 the name of the data series and publication was changed to better represent the breadth of trade data published.
BESES 2018 goods and services downloadable tables
Broad Economy Sales and Exports Statistics - comparison with HMRC Regional Trade Statistics
NIETS (formerly known as the BESES) estimates are not directly comparable with HMRC Regional Trade Statistics due to methodological differences.