User Engagement on 'Northern Ireland Statistical Surveys - Assessment of burden on businesses, households and individuals' publications

Date published: 21 December 2022



This consultation closed on 15 February 2023. A summary of the feedback, along with the actions taken as a result of this feedback is available on the Outcome of User Consultation on Survey Burden Reports page.

NISRA Statistical Support Branch (SSB) are consulting on the content and future of the Cost to Business of Completing Statistical Surveys report and the Burden to Households & Individuals of Completing Statistical Surveys report.

Both reports take considerable resource to produce, in terms of data collection from all NI Government Departments and Arm’s Length Bodies, quality assurance checks and the production of the reports. There is also no identified user base for the ‘Burden on Households and Individuals’ report and the user base for the ‘Cost to Business’ report is small.

It is therefore proposed to discontinue the ‘Burden on Households and Individuals’ report, and to streamline the ‘Cost to Business’ report. The downloadable data would still be made available alongside the ‘Cost to Business’ report, enabling users to replicate the missing analysis.

A more detailed outline of the proposals and the rationale behind them is presented in the 'User Engagement on Survey Burden Reports' document below.

NISRA Statistical Support Branch would welcome your views on these proposals - do you use these statistics and how will these proposed changes affect you?

You can respond to the consultation using the online consultation form. The survey should take no longer than fifteen minutes to complete. The consultation will end on 15 February 2023.

An anonymised summary of the feedback, and actions taken as a result of the user engagement will be published on the Survey Burden webpage.