People and communities
Census; population and migration; births, deaths and marriages; PfG and individual wellbeing; culture; housing; deprivation; rural statistics
Census; population and migration; births, deaths and marriages; PfG and individual wellbeing; culture; housing; deprivation; rural statistics
Information, publications and statistics relating to the decennial Census of Population and Housing in Northern Ireland.
The Population Statistics Section within Census Office (NISRA)
Statistics about housing, community and regeneration.
Statistics on life event registrations in Northern Ireland.
Programme for Government, Individual Wellbeing (Loneliness, Self-efficacy, Personal Wellbeing and Locus of Control)
This theme covers statistics on people, their lifestyles and activities, the communities and neighbourhoods in which they live.
Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measures
Rural statistics
Information on harmonisation of equality statistics
Key statistics on Northern Ireland
Summary details on public awareness of and trust (confidence) in Official Statistics in Northern Ireland.
Summary details on the usage of online channels to access public services in Northern Ireland.
The latest data and analysis on coronavirus (COVID-19) in Northern Ireland and its effect on the economy and society.
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