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2803 publications

Index of Services (IOS) Statistical Bulletin and Tables - Quarter 3 2016

Published 14 December 2016Statistical reports

Quarterly Employment Survey Supplementary Tables September 2016

Published 14 December 2016Statistical reports

QES Statistical Bulletin Q3 2016

Published 14 December 2016Statistical reports

Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 1st October 2016

Published 14 December 2016Statistical reports

NISRA Annual Report and Accounts 2015-16

Published 13 December 2016Business plans

Schedule publication

Published 12 December 2016Circulars

Labour Force Survey women in Northern Ireland 2016

Published 07 December 2016Statistical reports

Annual Business Inquiry - Reporting Unit Results 2015

Published 02 December 2016Statistical reports

Tourism statistics user group meeting 28th October 2016

Published 30 November 2016Agendas and minutes

Quarterly Supplement to the Labour Market Report July - September 2016

Published 30 November 2016Statistical reports

Quarterly Supplement Tables July-September 2016

Published 30 November 2016Statistical reports

Tourism statistics user group meeting 28th October 2016

Published 30 November 2016Statistical reports

2015 Mid Year Population Estimates for Small Areas

Published 30 November 2016Statistical reports

Personnel Statistics for the NICS - 2016

Published 23 November 2016Statistical reports

Ports Traffic Publication 2015

Published 22 November 2016Statistical reports

Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2017: Steering Group

Published 21 November 2016Lists and registers