4043 publications
NI labour market statistics: April 2020
The NI labour market report includes latest statistics on employment, unemployment, inactivity, employees, jobseekers, vacancies, redundancies and earnings.
Northern Ireland Composite Economic Index (NICEI) - Q4 2019
NICEI is an experimental quarterly measure of the performance of the Northern Ireland (NI) economy based on available official statistics.
Northern Ireland construction bulletin: 1st october to 31st December 2019
This Bulletin provides a measure of the value of construction output in Northern Ireland.
Statistical Review of Northern Ireland Agriculture: 2019
The Statistical Review of Northern Ireland Agriculture is the primary source of statistics for the agricultural industry in Northern Ireland. It contains a wide range of statistics on the agricultural economy (including TIFF…
Monthly Births and Deaths (Northern Ireland): February 2020
Number of births and deaths registered each month in Northern Ireland.
Annual statistics on Police recorded injury road traffic collisions and casualties Northern Ireland 2019
Annual statistics update relating to injury road traffic collisions 2019 reported to Police.
Labour Force Survey Annual Report Summary 2019
This report provides an overview of the main indicators from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) for 2019.
Clinically serious injured (MAIS 3+) road casualties in Northern Ireland, 1999-2018
This research paper presents the number of people seriously injured in road traffic collisions in Northern Ireland for 1999 to 2018 using a clinical definition.
Annual statistics on Motoring Offences 2019 in Northern Ireland
Annual update of 2019 statistics relating to Motoring Offences in Northern Ireland.
Anti-social behaviour incidents recorded by the police in Northern Ireland, period ending 29 February 2020
Monthly update of anti-social behaviour incident statistics
Northern Ireland Cancer Waiting Time Statistics (October - December 2019)
Presents information on waiting times for patients accessing cancer services at hospitals in Northern Ireland during each quarter.
Police recorded crime in Northern Ireland, period ending 29 February 2020
Monthly update of PSNI recorded crime statistics.
Public Transport Journey Planning in Northern Ireland 2018/19
This report presents findings from the 2018/19 Continuous Household Survey in relation to public attitudes to and awareness of resources for planning journeys on public transport.
Health Inequalities Annual Report 2020
Regional and sub-regional analysis of health inequalities in NI across a range of public health indicators.
Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 1st January 2020
A snapshot of the number of staff in the Northern Ireland Civil Service (headcount and full-time equivalent) with accompanying trend data.
Six Dimensions (of the Nations Brands Index 2019)
These bulletins provide a more detailed analysis of Northern Ireland's performance on the 2019 Anholt Ipsos Nation Brands Index, across the six dimensions of national competence: Exports; Governance; Culture; People; Tou…
Analysis of Northern Ireland Civil Service recruitment competitions, 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019
Presents a profile based on equality categories of those who participated in recruitment competitions for the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS)
Northern Ireland index of production: Quarter 4 2019
Quarterly index of the Northern Ireland private sector production output.
Northern Ireland index of services: Quarter 4 2019
Quarterly index of the Northern Ireland private sector services output.
Northern Ireland planning statistics October - December 2019
Provisional quarterly results for the third quarter of 2019/20. Northern Ireland planning volumes and processing performance data.