4041 publications
Quarterly Child Protection Statistics for NI (July - September 2019)
This publication presents information on the number of children on the child protection register at the end of each quarter.
Annual Report of the Registrar General, 2018
Annual publication providing detailed Births, Deaths, Stillbirths, Marriages and Divorces statistics for Northern Ireland.
Quality and Outcomes Framework, achievement and exceptions data Northern Ireland 2018-19
The Quality and Outcomes Framework is the annual reward and incentive programme detailing GP practice achievement results
Anti-social behaviour incidents in Northern Ireland, period ending 30 September 2019
Monthly update of PSNI anti-social behaviour statistics.
Police recorded crime in Northern Ireland, period ending 30 September 2019
Monthly update of PSNI recorded crime statistics, incorporating knife/sharp instrument crime figures.
Experience of sport in Northern Ireland 2018 to 2019
An annual publication containing survey results on experience of the sport in Northern Ireland.
Motoring offences statistics in Northern Ireland to 31 August 2019
Monthly update of statistics relating to Motoring Offences in Northern Ireland.
Monthly Births and Deaths (Northern Ireland): September 2019
The number of deaths registered each month in Northern Ireland.
Employment Vacancies – Statistics from July to September 2019
Factsheet containing list of vacancies notified to Department for Communities (DfC) between July and September 2019.
Benefit Cap Report Northern Ireland - July 2019
The Benefit Cap is a limit on the total amount of benefit that working-age people can receive. From 31 May 2016, the amount a household could receive in benefit income was limited to £26,000 per annum. On 7 November 2016, th…
Self-efficacy, Locus of Control and Life Satisfaction in Northern Ireland, 2018/19
This report provides figures for Northern Ireland on three metrics: Self-efficacy; Locus of Control; and Life Satisfaction.
Statistics on community care for adults in Northern Ireland 2018/19
Information on community activity including care packages in effect, day care registrations, residential and nursing accommodation, domiciliary care, re-ablement, audiology, and meals on wheels services.
NI Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 2019
The distribution and make-up of earnings and hours worked, by sex and full-time and part-time status, for employees in all industries and occupations.
Clinical and social care negligence cases in Northern Ireland: financial year ending March 2019
A statistical summary of clinical/social care negligence cases open at any stage during 2018/19, including an analysis of new cases opened, closed and all monies paid on cases open at any stage during 2018/19
Police recorded injury road traffic collisions and casualties Northern Ireland monthly report to 31 August 2019
Monthly statistics update relating to injury road traffic collisions reported to Police.
Emergency care waiting time statistics in Northern Ireland: July to September 2019
Information on waiting times at emergency care departments in Northern Ireland
Carbon intensity indicators: Northern Ireland 2019
In order to complement the emissions data available from the historic greenhouse gas inventory and the Northern Ireland greenhouse gas projection tool, and to help Government track the effectiveness of their carbon reduction…
Statistical Bulletin: Cases Involving Sexual Offences 2018/19 (and revised statistics for 2015/16-2017/18)
PPS statistics on caseloads, decisions and outcomes in cases involving sexual offences for the years 2015/16 to 2018/19. Revised statistics for 2015/19 to 2017/18 are being published following changes to offences classificat…
Volunteering by adults in Northern Ireland, 2018 to 2019
An annual publication containing survey results on volunteering by adults in Northern Ireland
Walking, Cycling & Public Transport in Northern Ireland, 2018/19
This research presents findings from the Continuous Household Survey in relation to public attitudes to walking, cycling and public transport in Northern Ireland.