4036 publications
Family Practitioner Services Statistics for Northern Ireland Quarter 4 2018/19
This report presents activity and payment statistics related to Northern Ireland General Medical Services, Community Dentistry, Community Ophthalmic and Community Pharmaceutical Services for quarter 4 2018/19.
Motoring offences statistics in Northern Ireland to 30 April 2019
Monthly update of statistics relating to Motoring Offences in Northern Ireland.
NI Annual Business Inquiry 2017: LU Results
Local Unit (LU) results from the Northern Ireland Annual Business Inquiry 2017.
2018 Mid year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland
2018 Mid year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland and areas within Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Universal Credit Statistics: March 2019
Provides experimental statistics on households and individuals on Universal Credit in Northern Ireland.
First Time Entrants to the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland, 2017/18
Information on first time entrants to the criminal justice system in NI, disaggregated by gender age group and offence classification.
Annual Use of Force statistics for Police in Northern Ireland, period ending 31 March 2019
Annual financial year report on use of force by PSNI, including AEP (Attenuating Energy Projectile), police baton, CS spray, firearms, police dogs, TASER and water cannon.
Accident & emergency care statistics in Northern Ireland: financial year ending March 2019
Provides information on new, planned & unplanned review attendances at emergency care departments, waiting times in emergency care departments and patient transport and emergency response
Police Recorded Injury Road Traffic Collisions and Casualties Northern Ireland Detailed Trends Report 2018
Annual calendar year detailed trends report on road traffic collision statistics.
Northern Ireland planning statistics April 2018 - March 2019
Finalised annual results for 2018/19. Northern Ireland planning volumes and processing performance data.
Sickness absence in the Northern Ireland Civil Service, 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019
Statistics on sickness absence levels in the Northern Ireland Civil Service.
Northern Ireland business; activity, size and location: 2019
Northern Ireland businesses broken down by industry, geography, legal status, employee and turnover size bands; and foreign ownership.
Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 1st April 2019
Information on staffing numbers each quarter in the Northern Ireland Civil Service.
Northern Ireland Broad Economy Sales & Exports Statistics 2017 - Imports
This release provides annual estimates of the purchases and imports of goods and services by Northern Ireland businesses.
Labour Force Survey Annual Report 2018
This report provides detailed geographical analysis of the main indicators from the Labour Force Survey (LFS).
Perceptions of the PPS-Findings from the Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey
Findings from the Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey for 2018/19 on perceptions of the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland.
Audiology Completed Waits 2018/19
These tables present information from the health and social care board on completed waits for people waiting to be fitted with a hearing aid.
Northern Ireland index of production: Quarter 1 2019
Quarterly index of the Northern Ireland production industry.
Northern Ireland index of services: Quarter 1 2019
Quarterly index of the Northern Ireland private sector services output.
Statistical Bulletin Quarters 1-4 2018/19
The PPS publishes a regular Quarterly Statistical Bulletin which presents an overview of caseloads, decisions and outcomes.