4038 publications
Local Unit Results from the Northern Ireland Annual Business Inquiry 2016
Published estimates include the total value of sales and work completed by businesses (turnover).
Continuous Household Survey 2017/18
Top-line (weighted) tables from the Continuous Household Survey (CHS) 2017/18
Northern Ireland index of production: Quarter 1 2018
Quarterly index of the Northern Ireland production industry.
Northern Ireland index of services: Quarter 1 2018
Quarterly index of the Northern Ireland private sector services output.
Statistical Bulletin Quarters 1-4 2017/18
The PPS publishes a regular Quarterly Statistical Bulletin which presents an overview of caseloads, decisions and outcomes.
Making Life Better: Monitoring the Wider Social Determinants of Health & Wellbeing - Key Indicators 2018
The latest figures for key indicators of the wider social determinants of health & wellbeing according to themes in the making life better strategic framework.
NI labour market statistics: June 2018
The NI labour market report includes latest statistics on employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobseekers, vacancies and redundancies.
Carers Statistics for Northern Ireland (quarter ending 31 March 2018)
This bulletin presents findings from the latest survey of carers’ statistics for Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Self Catering Occupancy 2017
Statistics on occupancy rates in NI Self Catering Accommodation up to December 2017
Northern Ireland Visitor Attraction Survey 2017
Statistics on visits to NI Visitor Attractions 2017
Northern Ireland Air Passenger Flow Statistics up to December 2017
Statistics on Air Passenger Flow at NI Airports up to December 2017.
Northern Ireland Annual Tourism Statistics 2017
A range of tourism statistics for Northern Ireland: January – December 2017
Northern Ireland Domestic Tourism 2017
Statistics on domestic overnight tourism in NI up to December 2017.
Northern Ireland Guesthouses, Bed & Breakfasts and Guest Accommodation Occupancy 2017
Statistics on occupancy rates in NI Guesthouses, Bed & Breakfasts and Guest Accommodation up to December 2017.
Northern Ireland Hotel Occupancy 2017
Statistics on occupancy rates in NI hotels up to December 2017.
External Overnight Trips to Northern Ireland 2017
Statistics on external overnight visitors to NI up to December 2017
Audiology Completed Waits 2017/18
These tables present information from the Health and Social Care Board on completed waits for people waiting to be fitted with a hearing aid
Engagement in culture, arts and sport by adults in Northern Ireland 2017/18
An annual publication containing headline survey results on engagement with sport, the arts, museums and libraries by adults in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Supply-Use tables 2014 & 2015 experimental results
This release provides newly available results from the NISRA project to develop key elements of a system of Economic Accounts for NI
Six Dimensions (of the Nations Brands Index 2017)
These bulletins provide a more detailed analysis of Northern Ireland's performance on the 2017 Anholt GfK-Roper Nation Brands Index, across the six dimensions of national competence: Exports; Governance; Culture; People;…