4038 publications
First Time Entrants to the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland, 2015/16
Information on first time entrants to the criminal justice system in NI, disaggregated by gender age group and offence classification.
Long-Term International Migration Statistics for Northern Ireland 2016
Estimates of long-term international migration for Northern Ireland.
NI Quarterly Supplement to the Labour Market Report: Apr-Jun 2017
A detailed analysis of the most recent quarterly information from the Northern Ireland Labour Force Survey.
Omnibus Survey:Attitudes to Social Welfare & Reform Spring 2017
This publication presents the results of a Department for Communities' module in the Spring 2017 Omnibus Survey.
Perceptions of Electronic Monitoring: Findings from the 2013/14 to 2015/16 NI Crime Surveys
Perceptions of Electronic Monitoring in Northern Ireland: Findings from the Northern Ireland Crime Survey
Carbon intensity indicators for Northern Ireland 2017
In order to complement the emissions data available from the historic greenhouse gas inventory and the Northern Ireland greenhouse gas projection tool, and to help Government track the effectiveness of their carbon reduction…
Quarterly Direct Payments Statistics for NI (April - June 2017)
These tables present quarterly information on the number of and the amount paid by direct payments, broken down by HSC Trust and client group.
Households Below Average Income Northern Ireland 2015 to 2016
The report provides estimates of the proportion and number of children, working age adults and pensioners living in low income households in Northern Ireland by household characteristics and other breakdowns
Northern Ireland Tourism Statistics April 2016 – March 2017
A Range of Tourism Statistics for Northern Ireland April 2016 – March 2017.
Northern Ireland Air Passenger Flow Statistics up to March 2017
Statistics on Air Passenger Flow at NI Airports up to March 2017
Quarterly Child Protection Statistics for NI (April - June 2017)
This publication presents information on the number of children on the child protection register at the end of each quarter by age, gender, category of abuse, legal status and duration on the register. The number of child pr…
Penalty Charge Notice statistics: January to June 2017
These statistics present the number of Penalty Charge Notices issued in Northern Ireland for January to June 2017
NI labour market statistics: August 2017
The NI labour market report includes latest statistics on employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobseekers, vacancies and redundancies.
Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin January - March 2017
A quarterly bulletin containing information on new housing starts and completions, homelessness, the Northern Ireland House Price Index and new dwelling sales and prices
Northern Ireland Supply-Use tables 2013 experimental results
This release provides a combination of newly available and revised results from the NISRA project to develop key elements of a system of Economic Accounts for NI
Hospital statistics: outpatient activity statistics 2016/17
This publication presents information on activity at consultant led and ICATS outpatient services in Northern Ireland during the year ending 31st March 2016
NI Statistical Surveys - Burden to Households and Individuals 2015/16
This report describes the burden to Households and Individuals of complying with statutory and voluntary government surveys 2015/16.
Northern Ireland hospital statistics, inpatient and day case activity: financial year ending March 2017
This publication presents information on inpatient and day case admission activity at Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland. It details information on Available Beds, Occupied Beds, Occupancy Rates, Average Lengt…
Monthly Births and Deaths (Northern Ireland): June 2017
Number of births and deaths registered each month in Northern Ireland.
Engagement in culture, arts and leisure by young people in Northern Ireland 2016
A triennial publication containing headline survey results on engagement with sport, the arts, museums and libraries by young people in Northern Ireland.