4038 publications
Public Attitudes towards Electric Vehicles in Northern Ireland, 2015/2016
This report presents data from the Continuous Household Survey 2015/2016 in relation to attitudes towards electric vehicles in Northern Ireland.
BRES 2015 detailed industrial breakdown and ward level totals
Further tables, including detailed industrial breakdowns (disaggregated Standard Industrial Classification data) and ward level totals.
NI labour market statistics: April 2017
The NI labour market report includes latest statistics on employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobseekers, vacancies and redundancies.
School Meals in Northern Ireland 2016 to 2017
This statistical bulletin gives results of the annual data collection relating to uptake of school meals in Northern Ireland in 2016/17.
Statistical Review of Northern Ireland Agriculture: 2016
Compendium of Northern Ireland Agricultural statistics
Waiting time statistics: cancer waiting times (October – December 2016)
This statistics release gives details of the waiting times for patients accessing cancer services at hospitals in the north of Ireland during October, November & December 2016.
Analysis of NICS Recruitment Competitions: 1 January 2016 - 31 December 2016
Presents a profile based on equality categories of staff who participated in recruitment competitions for the Northern Ireland Civil Service
Knowledge and use of Irish in Northern Ireland 2015 to 2016
An biennial publication containing survey results on the knowledge and use of Irish by adults in Northern Ireland
Knowledge and use of Ulster-Scots in Northern Ireland 2015 to 2016
An biennial publication containing survey results on the knowledge and use of Ulster-Scots by adults in Northern Ireland
AccessNI Customer Survey Report 2016
This survey covers the level of satisfaction with various aspects of AccessNI's service to its customers.
Northern Ireland Environmental Statistics Report - 2017
This publication reports on a range of environmental indicators for Northern Ireland and provides links to government strategies.
Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service, January 2017
A snapshot of the number of staff in the Service (headcount and full-time equivalent) with accompanying trend data.
Family Resources Survey urban rural report Northern Ireland 2014 to 2015
The urban rural report for Northern Ireland provides information on incomes and circumstances of households in Northern Ireland, focusing on urban rural differences
Perceptions of Organised Crime and Paramilitarism and Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery in Northern Ireland
This bulletin documents the results from the organised crime module in the October 2016 Northern Ireland Omnibus Survey. The purpose of this survey was to gain an understanding of the level of public awareness of and knowled…
Correction to Northern Ireland index of production:Quarter 4 2016
Correction to the quarterly index of the Northern Ireland production industry for Quarter 4 2016.
Northern Ireland index of services: Quarter 4 2016
Quarterly index of the Northern Ireland private sector services.
NI labour market statistics: March 2017
The NI labour market report includes latest statistics on employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobseekers, vacancies and redundancies.
Carers Statistics for Northern Ireland (quarter ending 31 December 2016)
This bulletin presents findings from the latest survey of carers’ statistics for Northern Ireland.
Views on alcohol and drug related issues: findings from the Autumn 2016 Northern Ireland Omnibus Survey
This bulletin draws on findings from the Autumn 2016 Northern Ireland Omnibus Survey. Respondents were asked a number of questions on their views on alcohol and drug related issues. The findings provide information to assist…
NI Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 2016: Pension results
Workplace pension statistics from the Annual Survey of Hours & Earnings 2016. Data for employees by age, industry, sector & occupation.