4038 publications
Hospital statistics: outpatient activity statistics 2015/16
This publication presents information on activity at consultant led and ICATS
outpatient services in Northern Ireland during the year ending 31st March 2016 -
Northern Ireland hospital statistics, inpatient and day case activity: financial year ending March 2016
This publication presents information on inpatient and day case admission activity at Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland. It details information on Available Beds, Occupied Beds, Occupancy Rates, Average Lengt…
Children in Care in Northern Ireland 2014/15
This publication presents information on children in Northern Ireland who have been looked after continuously for 12 months or longer at 30 September each year.
Size and performance of the Northern Ireland food and drinks processing sector, subsector statistics: 2014/15
Data estimates of the size and performance of the Northern Ireland Food and Drinks Processing Sector.
NI local government district tourism statistics 2015
A range of tourism statistics for Northern Ireland local government districts 2015.
Emergency care waiting time statistics in Northern Ireland: April to June 2016
This is the publication of the quarterly statistics release on waiting times for all Emergency Care Departments across Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Composite Economic Index (NICEI) - Q1 2016
NICEI is an experimental quarterly measure of the performance of the Northern Ireland (NI) economy based on available official statistics.
Northern Ireland construction bulletin: 1st January to 31st March 2016
This Bulletin provides a measure of the value of construction output in Northern Ireland.
Complaints received by health and social care trusts in Northern Ireland 2015/16
Monitor and report the number of HSC Trust, Board and Family Practitioner Service complaint issues received during the year, by the programme of care, category, subject of the complaint issue and the time taken to provide a …
NI labour market statistics: July 2016
The NI labour market report includes latest statistics on employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobseekers, vacancies and redundancies.
Northern Ireland Broad Economy Sales & Exports Statistics - Goods
This release provides annual estimates of the sales and exports of goods and services generated by Northern Ireland businesses.
Annual Road Traffic Estimates: Northern Ireland, 2014
This statistical report presents annual road traffic estimates for Northern Ireland for the period 2014
Northern Ireland planning statistics bulletin: April 2015 to March 2016
The Northern Ireland planning statistics 2015/16 annual statistical bulletin
SFR for the destinations of leavers from UK higher education institutions: NI analysis 2014-15
A Statistical First Release (SFR) for the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education institutions (DLHE): a Northern Ireland analysis for the 2014-15 academic year
Northern Ireland cancer waiting times: January to March 2016
This release gives details of the waiting times for patients accessing cancer services at hospitals in Northern Ireland.
Pig Financial Results Northern Ireland - 2015
Results for the profitability of pig production
Higher education statistical factsheets (including age participation index) 2014-15
The factsheets provide a detailed analysis of various topics of interest in Higher Education (HE) including NI domiciled HE enrolments at NI further education colleges and RoI institutions, Initial Teacher Training (ITT) fig…
Labour Force Survey Local Area Database 2015
This report provides detailed geographical analysis of the main indicators from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) Local Area Database 2015.
Northern Ireland Poverty Bulletin 2014/15
Annual estimates of the percentage and numbers of people, children, working age adults and pensioners living in low income households in Northern Ireland
Accident & emergency care statistics in Northern Ireland: financial year ending March 2016
This publication presents information on annual activity at emergency care departments in Northern Ireland. It details information on new attendances, planned & unplanned re-attendances, patient transport to A&E, wai…