4038 publications
Registrar General Northern Ireland Annual Report 2013
Annual statistics on population, births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships in Northern Ireland
Labour market statistics quarterly supplement: Jul- Sep 2014
Labour market statistics for Northern Ireland.
Census 2011: Workplace population statistics for Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland workplace population and its characteristics from the 2011 Census
Northern Ireland Residential Property Price Index: Jul-Sep 2014
Quarterly composite index of house and apartment price indices in Northern Ireland.
NI Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 2014
Results from the Northern Ireland annual survey of hours and earnings.
Research and development survey (Northern Ireland): R&D 2014
Information on the level of Research & Development (R&D) activity in Northern Ireland.
Research and Development Survey (Northern Ireland) - R&D 2013 - Headline Results
Information on the level of Research & Development (R&D) activity in Northern Ireland.
NI labour market statistics: November 2014
The NI labour market report includes latest statistics on employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobseekers, vacancies and redundancies.
Monthly Births and Deaths (Northern Ireland): September 2014
Number of births and deaths registered each month
Population projections for areas within Northern Ireland: 2012 based
Geographical breakdown of the Northern Ireland level population projections, published in November 2013, for Local Government Districts.
Sickness absence in the Northern Ireland Civil Service, 1 Apr 2013 to 31 Mar 2014
Statistics on sickness absence levels in the Northern Ireland Civil Service
Northern Ireland construction bulletin: 1 April to 30 June 2014
This Bulletin provides a measure of the value of construction output in Northern Ireland.
Population estimates of persons aged 85 and over (Northern Ireland): 2013
Detailed estimates of the numbers of people aged 85 and over, by sex and age.
Monthly births and deaths (Northern Ireland): August 2014
Number of births and deaths registered each month.
Registrar general quarterly report (Northern Ireland): April to June 2014
Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships registered in Northern Ireland during each quarter.
Women in Northern Ireland: September 2014
Statistics on women in Northern Ireland, labour market, childcare provision, earnings.
Census 2011: short-term resident population statistics for Northern Ireland
Census 2011 statistics providing estimates of the number and characteristics of the non-UK born short-term resident population of Northern Ireland.
Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service, July 2014
A snapshot of the number of staff in the Service (headcount and full-time equivalent) with accompanying trend data.
Index of production in Northern Ireland: July to September 2014
General measure of changes in output of production sector industries.
Index of services (Northern Ireland) - Q2 2014
General measure of changes in output of service sector industries.