4038 publications
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 29 December 2023
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 29 December 2023
Security Situation Statistics for Northern Ireland, period ending 31 December 2023
Monthly update of statistics relating to the security situation in Northern Ireland.
Police recorded injury road traffic collisions and casualties Northern Ireland monthly report to 31 October 2023
Monthly statistics update relating to injury road traffic collisions reported to Police.
Investigating the impact of the Cycling Proficiency Scheme in schools in Northern Ireland, 2023
Investigating the impact of the Cycling Proficiency Scheme in schools in Northern Ireland, 2023
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 15 December 2023
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 15 December 2023
Motoring offences statistics in Northern Ireland to 31 October 2023
Monthly update of statistics relating to Motoring Offences in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Gambling Licencing and Industry Data 2022
Data on amusement permits, bingo clubs and bookmaking office licences, as well as the number employed in the gambling sector and annual gambling turnover.
Young Persons Behaviour and Attitudes Survey 2022: Mental health and wellbeing report
This report presents findings from the mental health and wellbeing modules in the 2022 Young Persons Behaviour and Attitudes Survey, Northern Ireland.
Domiciliary Care Services for Adults in Northern Ireland (2023)
This report summarises information collected from health and social care trusts on adults receiving domiciliary care services from the statutory and independent sectors during a survey week in September. It details informati…
Anti-social behaviour incidents in Northern Ireland, period ending 30 November 2023
Monthly update of PSNI anti-social behaviour statistics.
Police recorded crime in Northern Ireland, period ending 30 November 2023
Monthly update of PSNI recorded crime statistics.
Quarterly Sickness Absence in the Northern Ireland Civil Service July 2023 – September 2023
Quarterly statistics on sickness absence levels in the Northern Ireland Civil Service.
Working and workless households in Northern Ireland: Jul-Sep 2023
Information about households and the adults and children living in them by their economic activity status in Northern Ireland.
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 8 December 2023
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 8 December 2023
Police Use of Force statistics for Northern Ireland, period ending 30 September 2023
Six monthly update of use of force by PSNI, including AEP (Attenuating Energy Projectile), police baton, irritant spray, firearms, police dogs, CED (conductive energy device) and water cannon.
Quality and Outcomes Framework, Northern Ireland 2022-23
This report presents QOF achievement and exception reporting data for Northern Ireland.
June agricultural and horticultural census statistics, NI: 2023
Results of the Northern Ireland June Agricultural and Horticultural Census.
Census 2021 Grid Square product for Northern Ireland
The Census 2021 grid square product provides census statistics on a range of topics for populated 1 kilometre and 100 metre grid squares in Northern Ireland.
Employer Skills Survey 2022: Northern Ireland results
The employer skills survey 2022 focuses on recruitment and skills-shortage vacancies, skills gaps and training and workforce development.
Northern Ireland Index of Production: Quarter 3 2023
Northern Ireland Index of Production: Quarter 3 2023