4038 publications
Northern Ireland Waiting Times Statistics: Outpatient Waiting Times Quarter Ending September 2023
Presents information on waiting times at the end of each quarter for a first consultant-led outpatient appointment and a first integrated clinical assessment and treatment services (ICATS) appointment.
Health Survey Northern Ireland: First Results 2022/23
First results from the 2022/23 Health Survey Northern Ireland. The survey covers a range of topics including smoking, drinking, mental health and emotional well-being.
Benefit Cap Report Northern Ireland: August 2023
Provides experimental statistics on households that have their Housing Benefit or Universal Credit claim capped through the Benefit Cap in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Universal Credit Statistics: August 2023
Provides experimental statistics on households and individuals on Universal Credit in Northern Ireland.
Personal Independence Payment Statistics: Aug 2023
The report includes further information on the characteristics of claimants on Personal Independence Payment in Northern Ireland over time.
Cyber Crime, Modern Slavery and Sentencing: Findings from the 2021/22 NI Safe Community Telephone Survey.
This report gives findings from the 2021/22 NI Safe Community Telephone Survey (NISCTS) modules relating to: cyber crime; perceptions of modern slavery; and perceptions of sentencing.
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 17 November 2023
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 17 November 2023
Annual Crime Statistics Trends Report 2022/23
Annual trends report on crimes recorded by the police in Northern Ireland, financial years 1998/99 to 2022/23.
Annual Domestic Abuse Trends Report 2022/23
Annual trends report on domestic abuse incidents and crimes recorded by the police in Northern Ireland, financial years 2004/05 to 2022/23.
Annual Hate Motivation Trends Report 2022/23
Annual trends report on hate motivated incidents and crimes recorded by the police in Northern Ireland, financial years 2004/05 to 2022/23.
Police recorded injury road traffic collisions and casualties Northern Ireland monthly report to 30 September 2023
Monthly statistics update relating to injury road traffic collisions reported to Police.
Quarterly Direct Payment Statistics for Northern Ireland (September 2023)
Presents quarterly information collected from health and social care trusts on the number of and the amount paid by direct payments.
Police Crime Outcomes in Northern Ireland 2015/16 to 2022/23
Annual update of Police Crime Outcomes.
Community Pharmaceutical Services Statistics for NI, Q2 2023/24
Statistics related to community pharmacies and dispensing in Northern Ireland for quarter 2 of 2023/24.
Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin July - September 2023
A quarterly bulletin containing information on new social housing housing starts and completions, social housing demand, homelessness, and new dwelling sales and prices from the National House Building Council (NHBC).
Statistical Bulletin: Cases Involving Sexual Offences 2022/23
PPS statistics on caseloads, decisions and outcomes in cases involving sexual offences for the financial year 2022/23
Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET), NI: Jul-Sep 2023
Estimates of young people (aged 16 to 24 years) in Northern Ireland who are not in education, employment or training, by age and sex.
Careers advice and guidance and future intentions 2022
Presenting key findings from the Young Persons’ Behaviour and Attitudes Survey (YPBAS) 2022, carried out between September 2022 and March 2023.
Northern Ireland HSC Vacancies September 2023
A quarterly publication of HSC vacancies
Northern Ireland HSC Workforce Statistics September 2023
A quarterly summary of HSC staff