4038 publications
Anti-social behaviour incidents in Northern Ireland, period ending 31 August 2023
Monthly update of PSNI anti-social behaviour statistics.
Northern Ireland waiting time statistics: cancer waiting times April-June 2023
Presents information on waiting times for patients accessing cancer services at hospitals in Northern Ireland during each quarter.
Northern Ireland Composite Economic Index (NICEI) - Q2 2023
NICEI is an experimental quarterly measure of the performance of the Northern Ireland (NI) economy based on available official statistics.
Northern Ireland Construction Bulletin: 1st April to 30th June 2023
This Bulletin provides a measure of the value of construction output in Northern Ireland.
Police recorded crime in Northern Ireland, period ending 31 August 2023
Monthly update of PSNI recorded crime statistics.
Engagement in culture, arts, heritage and sport by adults in Northern Ireland 2022/23
An annual publication containing headline survey results on engagement with sport, the arts, heritage, museums and libraries by adults in Northern Ireland.
Motoring offences statistics in Northern Ireland to 31 July 2023
Monthly update of statistics relating to Motoring Offences in Northern Ireland.
Children Adopted from Care in Northern Ireland 2022/23
This annual publication details statistical information on children adopted from care in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Quarterly Ports Traffic: April to June 2023
The Northern Ireland Quarterly Ports Traffic publication provides provisional statistics on freight traffic through Northern Ireland major ports.
Census 2021 new parliamentary constituency geography data for Northern Ireland
Data for the new parliamentary constituencies (PC2024) will be added to the Flexible Table Builder for Census 2021 in Northern Ireland.
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 15 September 2023
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 15 September 2023
Quarterly Carers Statistics for Northern Ireland (June 2023)
This bulletin presents findings from the latest survey of carers’ statistics for Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Homelessness Bulletin January - June 2023
A biannual statistics report which provides information on a range of topics surrounding homelessness in Northern Ireland.
Nation Brands Index: regional analysis for Northern Ireland 2016-2022
First release of data on how global regions view Northern Ireland from the Nation Brands Index, containing time series data from 2016-2022.
Child Maintenance Service statistics Northern Ireland: data to June 2023 (experimental)
This quarterly publication provides an overview on the performance of the Child Maintenance Service in Northern Ireland. This publication contains information up to the quarter ending June 2023.
Northern Ireland Annual Ports Traffic 2022
The Northern Ireland Ports Traffic publication provides statistics on passenger and freight traffic through Northern Ireland ports.
Working and workless households in Northern Ireland: Apr-Jun 2023
Information about households and the adults and children living in them by their economic activity status in Northern Ireland.
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 8 September 2023
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 8 September 2023
DVA Monthly Tests Conducted Statistics: August 2023
A monthly publication providing statistics on vehicle, driver, and theory tests conducted by the Driver & Vehicle Agency (DVA) in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Index of Production: Quarter 2 2023
Northern Ireland Index of Production: Quarter 2 2023