4038 publications
Northern Ireland Benefit Statistics Summary: February 2023
Provides an up to date overview and history of the main benefits administered by the Department for Communities (DfC).
Personal Independence Payment Statistics: Feb 2023
The report includes further information on the characteristics of claimants on Personal Independence Payment in Northern Ireland over time.
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 19 May 2023
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 19 May 2023
Annual Report for Financial Year statistics on Police recorded injury road traffic collisions and casualties Northern Ireland 2022/23
Annual Report for Financial Year statistics relating to injury road traffic collisions reported to Police 2022/23.
Preliminary Breath Tests conducted in Northern Ireland for calendar year 2022
Calendar year report providing statistics in relation to Preliminary Breath Tests carried out by the Police Service of Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin January - March 2023
A quarterly bulletin containing information on new social housing housing starts and completions, social housing demand, homelessness, and new dwelling sales and prices from the National House Building Council (NHBC).
Northern Ireland Waiting Times Statistics: Inpatient Waiting Times Quarter Ending March 2023
Presents information on waiting times at the end of each quarter for admission for inpatient treatment.
Northern Ireland Diagnostic Waiting Time Statistics Quarter Ending March 2023
Presents information on waiting times at the end of each quarter for a diagnostic service and diagnostic reporting turnaround times.
Northern Ireland Environmental Statistics Report 2023
This publication reports on a range of environmental indicators for Northern Ireland and provides links to government strategies.
Qualifications and destinations of Northern Ireland school leavers 2021-22
This statistical release presents an analysis of GCSE and A level examination performance and destinations for pupils leaving post-primary schools in 2021-22.
Motoring offences statistics in Northern Ireland to 31 March 2023
Monthly update of statistics relating to Motoring Offences in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Waiting Times Statistics: Outpatient Waiting Times Quarter Ending March 2023
Presents information on waiting times at the end of each quarter for a first consultant-led outpatient appointment and a first integrated clinical assessment and treatment services (ICATS) appointment.
Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET), NI: Jan-Mar 2023
Estimates of young people (aged 16 to 24 years) in Northern Ireland who are not in education, employment or training, by age and sex.
Higher Level Apprenticeships at HE Institutions in NI, 2021/22
This fact sheet presents a range of analysis on the characteristics and subjects of participants on Higher Level Apprenticeships at HE Institutions in NI.
Northern Ireland HSC Vacancies March 2023
A quarterly publication of HSC vacancies
Northern Ireland HSC Workforce Statistics March 2023
A quarterly summary of HSC staff
Finalised Stop and Search statistics for Northern Ireland, period ending 31 March 2023
PSNI Stop and Search Statistics for the period 1 April 2022 - 31 March 2023.
Audiology Completed Waits 2022/23
These tables present information from the Health and Social Care Trusts on completed waits for people waiting to be fitted with a hearing aid.
Registrar General Quarterly Report (Northern Ireland) - January to March 2023
Statistics: Births, Deaths and Marriages, Births, Cause of Death, Deaths, Stillbirths & Infant Deaths
Raw Disease Prevalence Trend Data for Northern Ireland 2022/23
This bulletin presents raw disease prevalence data at GP Federation, LCG and Northern Ireland levels, for each of the 14 registers which count patients with specific conditions or diseases as covered by the Quality and Outco…