4040 publications
Judicial Statistics 2021
Consolidated data on throughput in all court tiers in Northern Ireland for the period January to December 2021 and comparison with the same period in the previous year.
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 17 June 2022
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 17 June 2022
Road Safety Partnership 2021 Annual Report
This report presents key statistics relating to the activity of the Northern Ireland Road Safety Partnership (NIRSP) for the calendar year 2021.
Police Recorded Injury Road Traffic Collisions and Casualties Northern Ireland Detailed Trends Report 2021
Annual calendar year detailed trends report on road traffic collision statistics.
Quarterly Carers Statistics for Northern Ireland (March 2022)
This bulletin presents findings from the latest survey of carers’ statistics for Northern Ireland.
Clinically seriously injured (MAIS 3+) road casualties in Northern Ireland, 1999-2020
This research series presents the number of people seriously injured in road traffic collisions in Northern Ireland from 1999 to 2020 using a clinical definition.
Energy in Northern Ireland 2022
The Energy in Northern Ireland report is updated biennially and provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of key statistics and information relating to energy in Northern Ireland.
Statistical Bulletin Quarters 1-4 2021/22
The PPS publishes a regular Statistical Bulletin which presents an overview of caseloads, decisions and outcomes.
Pupil Suspensions and Expulsions in Northern Ireland 2020/21: Experimental Statistics
The publication includes statistics regarding pupils who were suspended and expelled during the 2020/21 academic year, while attending primary, post-primary and special schools in Northern Ireland.
Family Practitioner Services Dental Statistics for Northern Ireland 2021/22
Activity and payment statistics relating to community dentistry in Northern Ireland between April 2021 and March 2022.
General Dental Services Statistics for Northern Ireland, Quarter 4 2021/22
This report presents activity and payment statistics related to Northern Ireland General Dentistry Services for quarter 4 2021/22.
Northern Ireland Quarterly Ports Traffic January to March 2022
The Northern Ireland Quarterly Ports Traffic publication provides statistics on freight traffic through Northern Ireland major ports.
DVA Monthly Tests Conducted Statistics: May 2022
A monthly publication providing statistics on vehicle, driver, and theory tests conducted by the Driver & Vehicle Agency (DVA) in Northern Ireland.
Annual Use of Force statistics for Police in Northern Ireland, period ending 31 March 2022
Annual financial year report on use of force by PSNI, including AEP (Attenuating Energy Projectile), police baton, CS spray, firearms, police dogs, TASER and water cannon.
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 10 June 2022
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 10 June 2022
General Ophthalmic Services Statistics for Northern Ireland, Quarter 4 2021/22
This report presents activity and payment statistics related to Northern Ireland General Ophthalmic Services for quarter 4 2021/22.
Northern Ireland Index of Production: Quarter 1 2022
Quarterly Index of the Northern Ireland private sector production output.
Northern Ireland Index of Services: Quarter 1 2022
Quarterly index of the Northern Ireland private sector services output.
Northern Ireland Retail Sales Index: Quarter 1 2022
Quarterly index of the Northern Ireland private retail sales output.
Northern Ireland business: activity, size and location, 2022
Northern Ireland businesses broken down by industry, geography, legal status, employee and turnover size bands; and foreign ownership.