4041 publications
June agricultural and horticultural census, statistical report, NI: 2021
Detailed analyses of the results of the Northern Ireland June Agricultural and Horticultural census. This includes time series data and geographical disaggregation.
Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation in Northern Ireland: Year Ending December 2021
Reports on performance against the Programme for Government target and is currently published quarterly - in March, June, September and December.
Northern Ireland greenhouse gas projections based on 2019 GHG inventory
The Northern Ireland greenhouse gas projections report is updated annually and provides estimates of future GHG emissions in Northern Ireland. The Northern Ireland Greenhouse Gas projection tool considers the time series of …
Work quality in Northern Ireland: July 2020 to June 2021
This paper examines a number of work quality indicators for Northern Ireland as sourced from the Labour Force Survey (LFS).
Annual enrolments at schools and in funded preschool education in Northern Ireland, 2021-22
The purpose of this statistical release is to present final enrolment figures for schools and for children in funded preschool education in the 2021-22 academic year
Northern Ireland Annual Coal Inquiry: 2021
Data on the tonnage of coal and other solid fuels shipped into Northern Ireland ports.
Children Order bulletin October to December 2021
Data on throughput of Children Order business in Northern Ireland across the Magistrates, County and High courts for the period October to December 2021 and commentary on trends observed for this quarter in each year from 20…
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 18th February 2022
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 18th February 2022
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, Northern Ireland weekly report 25 February 2022
This report presents the latest findings for Northern Ireland from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey.
Hate incidents and crimes in Northern Ireland, period ending 31 December 2021
Quarterly update of incidents and crimes with a hate motivation reported to PSNI.
Clinical and social care negligence cases in Northern Ireland: financial year ending March 2021
A statistical summary of clinical/social care negligence cases open at any stage during 2020/21, including an analysis of new cases opened, closed and all monies paid on cases open at any stage during 2020/21
Community Pharmaceutical Services Statistics for Northern Ireland, Quarter 3 2021/22
This report presents activity and payment statistics related to Northern Ireland Community Pharmaceutical Services for quarter 3 2021/22.
Domestic abuse incidents and crimes in Northern Ireland, period ending 31 December 2021
Quarterly update of incidents and crimes with a domestic abuse motivation reported to PSNI.
Anti-social behaviour incidents in Northern Ireland, period ending 31 January 2022
Monthly update of PSNI anti-social behaviour statistics.
Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin October-December 2021
A quarterly bulletin containing information on new housing starts and completions, homelessness, the Northern Ireland House Price Index and new dwelling sales and prices.
Northern Ireland Quarterly Ports Traffic July to September 2021
The Northern Ireland Quarterly Ports Traffic publication provides statistics on freight traffic through Northern Ireland major ports.
Northern Ireland waiting time statistics: diagnostic waiting times December 2021
Information is detailed on the number of patients waiting, for diagnostic services, as well as diagnostic reporting turnaround times in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland waiting time statistics: inpatient and day case waiting times December 2021
Details the number of patients waiting, and length of time waiting, for inpatient and day case admissions in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland waiting time statistics: outpatient waiting times December 2021
Details the number of patients waiting, and length of time waiting, for a first appointment at a consultant-led outpatient service in Northern Ireland.
Police recorded crime in Northern Ireland, period ending 31 January 2022
Monthly update of PSNI recorded crime statistics.