4043 publications
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey – Northern Ireland, 7 January 2022
This report presents the latest findings for Northern Ireland from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey.
Security Situation Statistics for Northern Ireland, period ending 31 December 2021
Monthly update of statistics relating to the security situation in Northern Ireland.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey – antibody and vaccination data for Northern Ireland, 23 December 2021
This report presents the latest antibody and vaccination data for Northern Ireland from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey – Northern Ireland, 23 December 2021
This report presents the latest findings for Northern Ireland from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey.
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 17th December 2021
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 17th December 2021
Police recorded injury road traffic collisions and casualties Northern Ireland monthly report to 31 August 2021
Monthly statistics update relating to injury road traffic collisions reported to Police.
Motoring offences statistics in Northern Ireland to 31 October 2021
Monthly update of statistics relating to Motoring Offences in Northern Ireland.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey – Northern Ireland, 17 December 2021
This report presents the latest findings for Northern Ireland from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey.
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 10th December 2021
Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland - Week ending 10th December 2021
Police Use of Force statistics for Northern Ireland, period ending 30 September 2021
Six monthly update of use of force by PSNI, including AEP (Attenuating Energy Projectile), police baton, CS spray, firearms, police dogs, TASER and water cannon.
Investigating the impact of the Cycling Proficiency Scheme in schools in Northern Ireland, 2021
This paper considers any changes in the attitudes of children towards road safety issues associated with cycling following the completion of the Cycling Proficiency Scheme in 2021.
Anti-social behaviour incidents in Northern Ireland, period ending 30 November 2021
Monthly update of PSNI anti-social behaviour statistics.
Crop Yields and Production Estimates (Northern Ireland): 2021
Estimates of the yield and production of crops in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Index of Production: Quarter 3 2021
Quarterly Index of the Northern Ireland private sector production output.
Northern Ireland index of services: Quarter 3 2021
Quarterly index of the Northern Ireland private sector services output.
Northern Ireland Input-Output analytical tables 2017 experimental results
This release provides newly available results from the NISRA project to develop key elements of a system of Economic Accounts for NI. The release includes the Industry by Industry analytical table Output Multipliers, GVA Mu…
Northern Ireland Planning Statistics: July to September 2021
Provisional quarterly results for the second quarter of 2020/21. Northern Ireland planning volumes and processing performance data.
Police recorded crime in Northern Ireland, period ending 30 November 2021
Monthly update of PSNI recorded crime statistics.
Provisional Agricultural and Horticultural Census Statistics, NI: 2021
Summary analyses of the results of the Northern Ireland June Agricultural and Horticultural census.
Child Maintenance Service statistics Northern Ireland: data to September 2021 (experimental)
This quarterly publication provides an overview on the performance of the Child Maintenance Service in Northern Ireland. This publication contains information up to the quarter ending September 2021.