
Reports evaluating each major stage of the 2011 Census operation, from planning and development through to publication of results.

Reports covering the entire census programme

General report

The 'Northern Ireland Census 2011 General Report' summarises the entire census operation spanning ten years, from the early consultation, legislation and planning stages, through the field activities and data processing to the production and dissemination of outputs, and the key lessons learned, which will be taken forward for the 2021 Census.

Quality assurance report

The purpose of the '2011 Census Quality Assurance Report' is to provide an overview of the Quality Assurance work undertaken by NISRA to ensure that the Northern Ireland Census population estimates were of high quality, fit for purpose and met users' needs.

User satisfaction survey summary report

The '2011 Census User Satisfaction Survey Summary Report' presents the findings of the survey, outlines the value of the 2011 Census outputs to users and informs future planning.

Benefits realisation report

The '2011 Census Benefits Realisation Report' summarises the results of the benefits realisation exercise, which involved a user satisfaction survey, face-to-face interviews, and follow-up discussions with key stakeholders.

Reports for the various projects within the wider census programme

Additional evaluations

During the 2011 Census, many processes were common to NISRA and the Office for National Statistics (ONS), with involvement from NISRA varying from project to project. The full list of 2011 Census evaluations from the ONS are available on their website:

The evaluations of most relevance to Northern Ireland processes: