Our statistical practice is regulated by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR).
Information about the 2011 Census outputs, reports and supporting information.
Related statistics
Key Statistics
Key Statistics (KS) tables provide summary statistics for the majority of census questions and topics.
Quick Statistics
Quick Statistics (QS) tables provide the most detailed information available from the census about a single topic.
Detailed Characteristics
Detailed Characteristics (DC) tables provide more detailed multivariate tables covering a wide variety of census variables.
Local Characteristics
Local Characteristics (LC) also contains multivariate tables; however they contain less detail than Detailed Characteristics.
Alternative populations
Statistics are available for three alternative populations: Short-Term Resident Population, Daytime Population and Workplace Population.
Specialist products
Microdata are small samples of data for whole households and individuals.
Commissioned output
2011 Census commissioned outputs are produced in response to user requests.
Grid square
The combined grid square product provides basic 2011 Census statistics for a combination of 1 kilometre and 100-metre grid squares in NI.
UK census outputs
UK censuses took place on 27 March 2011. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is responsible for disseminating census statistics for the UK.
Headcount and household estimates
Headcount and household estimate tables for Ward (2014) from the 2011 Census are available to download.
Ireland and Northern Ireland
The Census 2011 Ireland and Northern Ireland report presents comprehensive census of population results for both Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Supporting information
A selection of reports and documents relating to the 2011 Census results.