Business, economy and trade
Businesses; energy; tourism; trade; EU Exit analysis; economic output and accounts
Businesses; energy; tourism; trade; EU Exit analysis; economic output and accounts
NI business statistics including access to finance; R&D; Annual Business Inquiry; Inter-Departmental Business Register and survey burden.
Energy, electricity consumption and renewable generation in Northern Ireland
Various statistics regarding NI’s economic output. Including Index of Services, Index of Production and Construction Output Statistics.
NISRA has developed for the first time a balanced estimate of NI GDP and its component parts using an international standard approach.
This section presents some of the research and analysis that NISRA has completed in advance of EU Exit.
This section presents details of various sources of trade data along with links to those sources.
Statistics for the tourism industry in Northern Ireland.
ELMS is part of the NISRA. This section contains details on their findings, protocols and compliance.