Healthcare-Associated Infection

Annual Statistics on deaths from Healthcare-Associated Infections.

On an annual basis NISRA produce detailed statistics relating to deaths from Healthcare-Associated Infections. Tables are produced for both Clostridium Difficile related deaths and MRSA related deaths and include age standardised mortality rates for these causes as well as information relating to age, gender, underlying cause of death and place of death.

Following the NISRA consultation on proposed changes to a range of statistical outputs, these HCAI tables will no longer be available in this format. However, summary HCAI information is now available in the Annual Report of the Registrar General in tables 6.7 and 6.8 in the Cause of Death section.  The full report on the outcome of the consultation, including users’ responses, actions planned and mitigations, can be found on the outputs consultation area of the website. 

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff)

Related documents

The Public Inquiry into the outbreak of Clostridium Difficile provides more information in relation to C.Difficile.

Quarterly statistics for the number of deaths from Healthcare-Associated infections in more recent years is available in the Registrar General Quarterly Report

Further information about Healthcare-Associated Infection Published by CDSC (NI)

Most recent documents