Census 2021 outputs consultation

Our outputs consultation in 2021 asked users for their views on the content design and release phase proposals for 2021 Census outputs.

We asked

On 1 October 2021, NISRA launched a consultation asking users of census statistics for their views on the content design and release phase proposals for 2021 Census outputs. The consultation closed on 30 November 2021.

Participants were advised to read the outputs consultation supporting information before responding, this included: 

  • 2021 Census outputs consultation document
  • 2021 Census outputs consultation questionnaire
  • statistical disclosure control methodology for 2021 Census
  • pre-defined table listing
  • 2021 Census outputs geography paper

User engagement event

A consultation webinar was held on Wednesday 3 November 2021, this provided consultees with additional information and an opportunity to ask questions about the issues of interest to them. A recording of the consultation webinar is available on YouTube. 

You said

On 24 March 2022, NISRA published the outputs consultation responses and a summary of question response frequencies.

We did

The 'Census 2021 outputs consultation assessment' presents NISRA's full response to the consultation. It provides an overview of the evaluation process we used to assess the responses and summarises the results. It also sets out NISRA's updated view on the proposed strategy for producing and disseminating 2021 Census results.