Coal Imports

The Northern Ireland Annual Coal Inquiry collects information on all coal and other solid fuels shipped into Northern Ireland.


Latest results - published 28th February 2023

The Northern Ireland Annual Coal Inquiry collects information on all coal and other solid fuels shipped into Northern Ireland each year and the purpose for which it was imported: for domestic or industrial use, or for the generation of electricity. It covers all types of solid fuels including coal, anthracite, lignite, coke and manufactured smokeless fuels. Figures are inclusive of all sources of coal shipped (bulk cargo and containerised) to Northern Ireland, including cross channel and foreign imports.

  • In 2022, 1.635 million tonnes of coal and other solid fuels were shipped into Northern Ireland through the four main ports, which was 10% less than the 1.818 million tonnes imported in 2021.
  • Approximately two thirds (68%) were imported for domestic or industrial use in 2022, and one third (32%) was for the generation of electricity. Imports for domestic or industrial use were 16% above the average for the 35-year series (1988-2022), while those for electricity generation were 44% below the average.
  • The total amount of coal and solid fuels imported in 2022 was 42% below the highest recorded in the series (2.798 million tonnes in 1995), but 55% above the lowest recorded (1.055 million tonnes in 2009).
  • Imports for domestic or industrial use in 2022 were more than double those for the generation of electricity. This continued the trend of the previous five years, following a 10-year period (2007-2016) when tonnages for each were broadly similar. The first 7 years of the series (1993 excepted) also saw higher imports for domestic or industrial use, however over the next 12 years (1995-2006), coal imports for electricity generation were well above those for domestic or industrial use.

The information is obtained by surveying all coal importing ports in Northern Ireland annually (in January to collect data for the previous year). This is a voluntary census and the response rate for 2022 was 100 per cent.

Coal inquiry publications

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