Work, pay and benefits
Employment, redundancies, vacancies, work quality, hours and earnings; disability and work-related benefits; NI Civil Service workforce
Employment, redundancies, vacancies, work quality, hours and earnings; disability and work-related benefits; NI Civil Service workforce
The Monthly Labour Market Report provides the latest labour market stats from household and business surveys, plus administrative sources.
The new experimental Claimant Count includes Jobseeker's Allowance claimants and unemployed Universal Credit claimants.
The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a quarterly sample survey carried out by interviewing people about their personal circumstances and work.
Claimant numbers for Disability Benefits in Northern Ireland, produced by the Department for Communities (DfC).
The ASHE is a UK survey offering data on earnings by gender, work patterns, industry, occupation, and public vs. private sector pay comparisons.
Claimant numbers for Work Related Benefits in Northern Ireland, produced by the Department for Communities (DfC).
There were two annual employee job surveys: the Census of Employment and the Business Register and Employment Survey, run in alternate years.
Employment Vacancy Statistics notified to the Department for Communities (DfC).
ASHE is a UK wide survey that provides a wide range of information on earnings, including workplace pension type by gender, age, and sector.
Statistical publications on The Department for Communities' Employment Programmes
The QES provides short-term job estimates for NI, used by the ONS to calculate UK-wide quarterly workforce job estimates.
By law, under the Employment Rights (NI) Order 1996, employers must notify the Department of plans to make 20+ employees redundant at one site.
NICS Human Resource statistics are published regularly throughout the year on Workforce, Sickness Absence, Pay and Recruitment.
Work quality statistics, based on the Labour Force Survey and earnings data from ASHE, provide key indicators on employment and earnings trends.
One of the key objectives of the Economy Minister’s Economic Vision is to increase the proportion of the working age population in Good Jobs.
This page links to analysis on COVID-19's impact on the NI labour market, published in response to user requests or ONS/HMRC reports.
NISRA is transforming the LFS and labour market stats for NI, in parallel with the ONS's work on transforming the LFS for GB.
Labour market statistics are published regularly, with bespoke tables available upon request for data not already published.
Full details of all Labour Market Statistics user engagement is available on this page.