Census 2021 Comprehensive Microdata (C21CM)

Census 2021 Comprehensive Microdata


1            Introduction

1.1         Administrative Data Research in Northern Ireland (ADR NI)

Since 2013 the UK Government, through the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), has funded NISRA (in partnership with the Queen’s University Belfast and Ulster University) to host an Administrative Data Research Centre in Northern Ireland (known as the ADR NI and which is part of the wider ADR UK). The directive of the initiative has been to provide a secure and accredited research environment to enable agreed, ethically approved, and cross-cutting research to be conducted using administrative data sets that are routinely collected and analysed by NICS departments and other bodies. The ultimate aims of the joined-up approach are to inform the development and monitoring of public policy and to help ensure that decision making is evidence based and the research provides a benefit to society. The ADR NI makes it possible for trained and accredited researchers to use de-identified administrative data for social and economic research, while making sure the data remain safe and the privacy of individuals and businesses are protected.


1.2        Census 2021 Comprehensive Microdata Dataset (C21CM)

The Census 2021 Comprehensive Microdata Dataset (C21CM) is a research ready dataset that provides a large sample (97%) of census data for research purposes. It contains around 1.87m person records and 760k household records - with only imputed records excluded. There are 324 census variables included which closely align with the content of the NI Mortality Study dataset. C21CM has been developed jointly by NISRA’s Census Office (the data owner) and NISRA’s Research Support Unit (RSU).


2           Background

2.1        Areas of Research Interest

The C21CM has been developed in order to advance research across a range of themes. The C21CM can offer a comprehensive evidence base for policy development and decision making as well as the monitoring of public policy in Northern Ireland. The C21CM will support research aligned with the draft Programme for Government 2024-2027 immediate priorities including Grow a Globally Competitive and Sustainable Economy, Deliver More Affordable Childcare, Better Support for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Provide More Social Affordable and Sustainable Housing. This includes:

-             Assessing the changing landscape of diversity in Northern Ireland (national identity, ethnicity, religion, country of birth and language knowledge)

-             Comparing individual and household characteristics of stay-at-home parents to working parents

-             Assessing family composition (e.g. living in a couple or lone parents) for homeowners and private or social renters in Northern Ireland.


3           The Data

3.1        Variables included in the C21CM

Please see the C21CM Metadata for a full list of the variables contained within the C21CM. This should be read in conjunction with the C21CM Guidance for Researchers which provides background information on the C21CM, including how the data is collected and quality assured.


3.2         Accessing the C21CM

Access to the C21CM dataset is limited to researchers and research teams with accredited researcher status under the Digital Economy Act 2017 (DEA) and subject to approval by the data providers and the UK Statistics Authority Research Accreditation Panel (RAP). In the first instance, researchers should complete the Themed Datasets Initial Research Proposal Form and submit this to rsu@nisra.gov.uk. The proposal form asks researchers to summarise the main aim and objectives of the proposed project as well as the methodological approach that they are intending to use. Researchers should also include details of the data required (including a variable list with justification) and cohort required. Researchers are also required to detail any public engagement activities planned as part of their project. RSU, in consultation with the data providers, will determine the feasibility of the project prior to the completion of a full application by the researcher(s) to RAP. Ethical approval will also be required for each project, either through the research team’s university ethics committee or via the National Statistician’s Ethics Advisory Committee. RSU will assist researchers from the beginning of their application proposal to the close of their project. Further information on how to apply for approval is available here.


The C21CM dataset may be accessed in the RSU secure research environment ONLY.


4           Completed Research

There have been no completed research pieces using the C21CM at this stage.


5           Other Useful Information

5.1        Organisation Name

Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA)

ADR UK - Administrative Data Research UK


5.2         Quality/Background documentation

As part of the project, Census/RSU were keen to develop metadata for the C21CM dataset in line with international standards. The C21CM metadata is available online via MetadataWorks which is inclusive of categorical breakdown and frequencies. The knowledge of frequencies allows researcher and support staff to determine the feasibility of any potential project. This ensures the application process for researchers is more efficient and straightforward as they are now able to determine if there is a suitable samples size to answer their objectives. The dataset has been subject to rigorous Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC) at each stage of its construction.


Contact the Team!

Research Support Unit

Colby House

Stranmillis Court



Telephone: +44(0) 28 90 388488

Email: rsu@nisra.gov.uk

Web page: Research Support Uni

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