Earnings and Employees Study (EES) 2011

Earnings and Employees Study (EES) 2011





What is the Earnings and Employees Study (EES) 2011?

The Earnings and Employees Study (EES) 2011 links together variables from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) 2011 with variables from the Census of Population and Housing 2011, and Capital Value data from the Land and Property Services. The dataset takes the form of one pre-linked table.

As the ASHE sample comprises approximately 1% of all employees in NI who were covered by Pay As You Earn (PAYE) schemes, the EES contains 5,770 distinct ASHE records which have been linked to Census records.

The data

What data are used in the Earnings and Employees Study (EES) 2011?

The EES includes data from ASHE. The ASHE is a UK wide survey that provides data on hourly, weekly and annual earnings by gender, work patterns, industry and occupation, including public versus private sector pay comparisons. The sample used comprises approximately 1% of all employees in NI who were covered by Pay As You Earn (PAYE) schemes.

The EES links ASHE variables with variables from the Census of Population and Housing 2011. The Census of Population and Housing collects information every 10 years about people and households in Northern Ireland. It is used by central and local government, health authorities and many other organisations to plan and provide future services.

How were the data included in the Earnings and Employees Study (EES) 2011 linked together?

The linkage process was conducted by the Trusted Third Party team (TTP) located within the Census Office in NISRA. The ASHE records were linked to Census records using a ‘rules based’ or deterministic approach involving match-keys. A series of match-keys were developed; the strongest level of linking is exact linking, which links pairs of records that are identical on all linking fields. The match-keys were processed in a stepwise manner starting with the most exact match-key and working down to the last match-key. In addition, donor imputation work was carried out to link the remaining unmatched ASHE individuals to Census individuals with similar characteristics. Further detail on the matching process can be found in the TTP linkage report.

What variables are included in the EES?

The list of variables available within the EES also include descriptions of each variable. Further background information including detail related to the variables, weights and statistical disclosure are available within the EES metadata document.

Information for researchers

What are the potential uses of the data in research?

It is hoped that research involving the EES data will help to inform the development and monitoring of public policy as well as provide an evidence base for decision making. There are a number of potential EES research themes. These include, but are not limited to, factors influencing variation in median pay, graduates and the workplace, disparity in pay and migration, public versus private jobs, and geography and pay.

Who can access the data and how?

Access to the EES dataset is limited to researchers and research teams with accredited researcher status under the Digital Economy Act (DEA) and subject to approval by each of the data providers and the UK Statistics Authority Research Accreditation Panel (RAP). In the first instance, researchers should complete the Themed Datasets Initial Research Proposal Form and submit this to rsu@nisra.gov.uk. The proposal form asks researchers to summarise the main aim and objectives of the proposed project as well as the methodological approach that they are intending to use. Researchers must also include details of the data required (including a variable list with justification) and cohort required. Details of any public engagement activities planned as part of their project must also be included. RSU, in consultation with the data providers, will determine the feasibility of the project prior to the completion of a full application by the researcher(s). Further information on how to apply for approval is available on the NISRA Research Support Unit page.

The EES dataset may be accessed in the RSU secure research environment or via the Office of National Statistics (ONS) Secure Research Service (SRS) subject to data owner and RAP approval.

Completed Research

Data Insights

Using the Earnings and Employees Study 2011 to estimate Catholic-Protestant wage differentials

The association between unpaid caring and employment and earnings in Northern Ireland

Data Explained

Using the Earnings and Employees Study 2011 to estimate wage differentials

The association between unpaid caring and employment and earnings in Northern Ireland

Other useful information

Organisation name

Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA)

Quality/background documentation

DOF Statement of Administration Sources

ASHE Background Quality Reports

Census Quality Report

TTP Data Qualilty Report

Disclosure Control Methods

Further information on the NISRA Census disclosure control strategy can be found here(external link opens in a new window / tab).

User Engagement

Please see the Presentation Slides from a NISRA RSU information session on the EES Dataset held in November 2021.

Contact the team

Research Support Unit
Colby House
Stranmillis Court

Telephone: +44(0) 28 90 388488

Email: rsu@nisra.gov.uk

Web page: Research Support Unit

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