Previous iterations included the Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005.
The Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005 (NIMDM2005), commissioned by NISRA from the Social Disadvantage Research Centre at the University of Oxford, was published in May 2005.
- NIMDM2005 Super Output Area level
- Economic Deprivation Measure Output Area level
- Local Government District level summaries
- Parliamentary Constituency level summaries
- Population Estimates
To assist the development of the research, a consultation document was produced and a series of public consultation meeting held. The consultation period ended on 29th October 2004.
- 2004 Consultation document
- Deprivation Geography Presentation
- Review of measures of deprivation presentation
Super Output Areas were developed by NISRA to improve the reporting of small area statistics.
Steering Group Information
- Steering Group Members
- Steering Group Minutes 7th October 2003
- Steering Group Minutes 21st April 2004
- Steering Group Minutes 3rd September 2004