UK census outputs

UK censuses took place on 27 March 2011. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is responsible for disseminating census statistics for the UK.

UK comparability report

A report showing the comparability of the census questions and outputs across the UK is available to download.

Accompanying this report is one table showing the UK tables released and the equivalent tables for each country, and a second table showing the mappings for each UK table.

UK censuses data

Users can access published UK-level releases and their data on the Office for National Statistics (ONS) website.

Releases include:

  • Key Statistics and Quick Statistics for Local Authorities in the United Kingdom
  • Population estimates by five-year age bands, and household estimates, for local authorities in the United Kingdom 

UK censuses maps

The range of UK census maps have been produced by ONS and are available by Local Authority in the related downloads:

  • Percentage difference in number of households 2001-2011
  • Percentage difference in UK population 2001-2011
  • Percentage of usual residents, aged 16 and over who have Level 4 qualifications or above
  • Percentage of usual residents, aged 16 and over who have no qualifications

UK migration statistics

Access data from the 2011 UK censuses about migrants moving out of and into different UK geographical areas on the ONS website.

Origin and destination data

Find out more about 2011 Census origin and destination data, also known as 'flow data'.

There are three types of 2011 Census origin and destination tables:

UK and Europe census comparison

The UK and Europe census comparison product is the UK contribution towards a European Union (EU) project to create comparable 2011 Census statistics from across the EU.

United Nations Questionnaires on Population and Housing

Statistics combining 2011 Census data from the United Kingdom’s constituent countries, representing the UK’s contribution to the United Nation’s Questionnaires on Population and Housing Census.

Frequently asked questions

A selection of the most frequently asked questions about UK censuses.