ASHE Pensions Results

The Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) is a UK wide survey that provides a wide range of information on earnings, including workplace pension type by age, gender, occupation and industry.

Due to unavoidable delays in data being provided by the ONS, NISRA is unable to publish the ASHE Pensions Results for 2022. It is currently anticipated that statistics based on final data for 2022 will be provided along with final data for 2021 and provisional data for 2023 in August 2024. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause our users.

Latest results

Key points

  • Latest results published 20th April 2022
  • The proportion of employees in Northern Ireland who belonged to a workplace pension scheme in April 2021 remained unchanged over the year at 73%.
  • Nine out of ten public sector employees (92%) and around two out of three (62%) private sector employees were members of a workplace pension scheme in 2021. This is an increase of 12 percentage points (pps) for public sector employees and 39pps for private sector employees since the introduction of automatic enrolment in 2012.
  • Occupational Defined Benefit pension has been the most common form of workplace pension for the past ten years, and remained in and around 30% over that period. Occupational Defined Contribution has increased almost sixfold in the last ten years, from 4% to 23% making it the second most common pension for the last eight years.
  • The proportion of females (74%) with workplace pensions was slightly higher than males (72%) in 2021. While the most common schemes for females was Occupational Defined Benefit schemes (41%), Occupational Defined Contribution pension schemes (26%) were the most common for men.
  • Pension membership varies widely by industry, with almost all (97%) of those employed in ‘public administration and defence’ belonging to a pension scheme, while only around a third (33%) of those in ‘Accommodation and food service activities’ belonged to one.

Detailed Results

Background Information

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Contacts for ASHE Pensions Results


Ashleigh Warwick
Telephone: 028 9025 5174
Twitter: @NISRA