Outcome of User Consultation on 'Northern Ireland Statistical Surveys - Assessment of burden on businesses, households and individuals' publications

Date published: 23 May 2023


NISRA Statistical Support Branch carried out:


an online consultation on the content and future of the Cost to Business of Completing Statistical Surveys report and the Burden to Households & Individuals of Completing Statistical Surveys report between 21 December 2022 and 15 February 2023.

It was proposed to discontinue the ‘Burden on Households and Individuals’ report, and to streamline the ‘Cost to Business’ report. The downloadable data would still be made available alongside the ‘Cost to Business’ report, enabling users to replicate the missing analysis. A more detailed outline of these proposals and the rationale behind them is available on the User Engagement on Survey Burden Reports consultation page.

The responses from the consultation were supportive of the proposals. Therefore the 'Burden on Households & Individuals' report has been discontinued and the 'Cost to Business' report has been streamlined to only include analysis at the Northern Ireland level and a single breakdown by Department.

A full write-up of the consultation responses and actions taken as a result is available below.