Statistics are available as follows:
Northern Ireland
- Components of population change (2001-2023)
- Population by sex and single year of age (1971-2023)
- Population by sex and age bands (1971-2023)
- Population totals (1821-2023)
- Population densities (2001-2023)
- Median age (1971-2023)
- Net migration by sex and single year of age (2001-2023)
- Net migration by sex, broad age band, and migration type (2001-2023)
- Migration flows and net migration by type (1871-2023)
Local Government Districts (LGDs)
- Components of population change (2001-2022)
- Population by sex and single year of age (2001-2022)
- Population by sex and age bands (2001-2022)
- Population totals (2001-2022)
- Population densities (2001-2022)
- Median age (2001-2022)
Northern Ireland - population aged 85 and over (2023)
- population by single year of age and sex (85 and over)
- population by single year of age and sex (all ages)
See also:
- estimates of the very old methodology and quality paper
- estimates of the very old UK comparison paper