2984 publications
Weekly Deaths Bulletin Week Ending 19 November 2021 - Downloadable tables
Weekly deaths - Week ending 19 November 2021
Deaths for the week ending 19th November 2021 was published today.
2020 Mid Year Population Estimates for Small Areas
2020 Mid Year Population Estimates for Small Areas
Registrar General Quarterly Tables Quarter 3 2021
Provisional quarterly births, deaths, stillbirths and marriages statistics for Northern Ireland, Quarter 3 2021.
Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET): 2020
Young people not in education, employment or training.
Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) 2020 Downloadable tables
Labour Force Survey Annual Tables 2020
Following the reweighting of the LFS, these tables provide additional breakdowns of labour market data for the year ending 31 December 2020.
Labour Force Survey Tables for Local Government Districts 2009-2020
Tables for Local Government Districts 2009-2020.
Weekly Deaths Bulletin Week Ending 12 November 2021 - Downloadable tables
Weekly deaths - Week ending 12 November 2021
Deaths for the week ending 12 November 2021 was published today.
Vital Statistics User Engagement Strategy 2021/22
Vital Statistics User Engagement Strategy 2021/22
Pay in the Northern Ireland Civil Service - Statistical Bulletin - Year Ending March 2021
An overview of Northern Ireland Civil Service pay statistics for the year ending March 2021.
Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 1 October 2021
Differences between the ILO unemployment and claimant count
Differences between the ILO unemployment and claimant count
Change to Claimant Count Measure in Northern Ireland
Changes to the Measurement of the Claimant Count following the introduction of Universal Credit in Northern Ireland
NICS Pay Statistics User Guide
This is the user guide for the Pay in the Northern Ireland Civil Service statistical bulletin.
Labour Market Report – November 2021
Labour Market Report – November 2021
Labour Force Survey tables – November 2021
Labour Force Survey tables for July – September 2021 which were published 16 November 2021.
Labour Force Survey Time Series data July - September 2021
LFS Time Series key data July– September 2021 published 16 November 2021.
Labour Market Report downloadable tables November 2021