2984 publications
Labour Market Statistics User Group 2021
Labour Market Statistics User Group Meeting 2021
Annual tourism statistics publications
Tourism statistics publications and additional charts and tables for 2020.
Annual hotel occupancy survey publications
The latest annual hotel occupancy survey results.
Visitor attraction survey publications
The latest annual visitor attraction statistics were published on 7 October 2021.
Self Catering Occupancy Survey publications
The annual Northern Ireland Self Catering Occupancy Survey 2020 report was published on 7 October 2021.
Northern Ireland Air Passenger Flow up to 7 October 2021
The latest Northern Ireland Air Passenger Flow statistics can be accessed below.
Disability Employment Gap in Northern Ireland 2020
The employment rates for people with disabilities and people without disabilities are presented in this paper.
Disability Employment Gap Downloadable Tables 2020
Trusted Third Party ADR NI matching methodology
ADR NI Data Matching
Northern Ireland alternative source statistics up to 7 October 2021
Alternative tourism statistics from NISRA and other sources, offering useful data when regular publications are unavailable.
Census 2021 data processing overview
The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of data processing methods for the 2021 Census.
Archive annual tourism statistics publications
Archive annual tourism statistics publications can be accessed below.
Weekly Deaths Bulletin Week Ending 24 September 2021 - Downloadable tables
Weekly deaths - Week ending 24 September 2021
Deaths for the week ending 24th September 2021 was published today.
Census 2021 outputs consultation documents
The outputs consultation launched on 1 October 2021 and closed on 30 November 2021.
SLC survey documents
The survey on Living Conditions (SLC) collects information on household resources, housing, employment, education, pensions, health and well-being
Construction Output Statistics - Q2-2021
Northern Ireland Construction Output bulletin, data tables and infographic. Also, includes tables in CSV and Open Document format.
Mental health status of the Northern Ireland population in employment
On 29 September 2021, NISRA published research examining the mental health status of the Northern Ireland population in employment in March 2011.
Weekly Deaths Bulletin Week Ending 17 September 2021 - Downloadable tables
Weekly deaths - Week ending 17 September 2021
Deaths for the week ending 17th September 2021 was published today.