2997 publications
CT0118 Usual resident population by Settlement and Local Government District (Settlement counts greater than 50)
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in Northern Ireland by Settlement, and by Local Government District.
CT0119 Age (five year age bands) and sex - NIMDM2017 Quintiles
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in Northern Ireland by five year age bands and sex.
CT0120 Age band and sex - NIMDM2017 Quintiles
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents aged 16 and over in Northern Ireland by age band and sex.
Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 1 October 2024
CT0115 Usual resident population by Health and Social Care Trust and Urban Status
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in Northern Ireland by Health and Social Care Trust, and by Urban Status.
CT0116 Usual resident population by Local Government District and Urban Status
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in Northern Ireland by Local Government District, and by Urban Status.
CT0117 Racial equality (The Executive Office) by Local Government District and Parliamentary Constituency
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in Northern Ireland by LGD, by Parliamentary Constituency, and by racial equality.
Childcare Survey Letters
ASHE headline statistics for Northern Ireland
ASHE tables in ODS
Industry, occupation, age, public/private sector and skill level
The tables listed below link to Excel files containing a range of NI ASHE data.
NI geographies, by place of work and place of residence
The tables listed below link to Excel files containing a range of NI ASHE data.
Employee earnings in NI 2024
ASHE provides information on employee earnings in NI.
CT0114 Pensioners aged 66+ years in household by dependent children in household
Census 2021 estimates that classify households in Northern Ireland by pensioners aged 66+ years in household, and by dependent children in household.
C21CM Guidance for Researchers
Census 2021 Guidance for Researchers
CT0602NI Provision of Unpaid Care by Sex, Highest Level of Qualifications and Age Band
Census 2011 estimates classifying usual residents aged 16+ by provision of unpaid care by sex, by highest level of qualifications and age band.
CT0603NI Provision of Unpaid Care by Sex, Industry of Employment and Age Band
Census 2011 estimates classifying usual residents aged 16+ in employment by provision of unpaid care by sex, by industry of employment and age band.
CT0604NI Provision of Unpaid Care by Sex, Marital and Civil Partnership Status and Age Band
Census 2011 estimates classifying usual residents aged 16+ by provision of unpaid care by sex, by marital and civil partnership status and age band.
CT0605NI Provision of Unpaid Care by Sex, Long-Term Health Problem or Disability and Age Band
Census 2011 estimates classifying usual residents aged 5+ by provision of unpaid care by sex, by long-term health problem or disability and age band.
CT0606NI Provision of Unpaid Care by Sex, General Health and Age Band
This dataset provides Census 2011 estimates that classify usual residents aged 5+ by provision of unpaid care by sex, by general health and age band.