2984 publications
Baby Names 2015
Northern Ireland Air Passenger Flow - Methodology and Key Points
Northern Ireland Air Passenger Flow methodology and key points can be accessed below.
Statistics Advisory Committee Minutes 11 February 2016
Population Statistics User Engagement Event 2016 Minutes
Summary of user engagement event: population estimates and projections for Northern Ireland
Pay Statistics for the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 2015
An overview of the Northern Ireland Civil Service pay statistics as at March 2015.
All Island Liaison Group Technical Subgroup minutes
Minutes from the All Island Liaison Group Technical Subgroup meetings can be accessed below.
NI Statistical Surveys - Assessment of Cost Burden to Business 2014-15
Cost to businesses in 2014/15 of complying with statutory and voluntary government statistical surveys in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Workplace Zones (WZ 2011)
Look-up table: Small Area to Workplace Zone and UK Methodology Paper
Northern Ireland Workplace Zones Boundaries in GIS format
ESRI Shapefile and JSON format
11 DC Look-up Tables and Guidance Documents
Output Areas (OAs) do not nest within the new 11 Local Government Districts (LGD2014) but a best-fit lookup table has been created.
Output Area Boundaries in GIS format
ESRI Shapefile format and Mapinfo format
Neighbourhood Renewal Areas Boundary in GIS format
ESRI Shapefile format and Mapinfo format
Peacelines Boundary in GIS format
Peacelines Boundary in GIS format
Current publication - Manufacturing Sales & Exports survey
Northern Ireland Manufacturing Sales & Exports 2014 - published 16 December 2015
Proposals for the Future Measurement of Survey based Estimates of Manufacturing Sales and Exports
Proposals for the Future Measurement of Survey based Estimates of Manufacturing Sales and Exports
Summary equality statistics for NICS staff in post at 1 January 2014
Summary equality statistics for NICS staff in post at 1 January 2014
Structure of the Northern Ireland Economy 2012 (Experimental results) - December 2015
Structure of the Northern Ireland Economy 2012
Daragh Robinson's profile
Daragh Robinson's profile
Lynda Kennedy's profile
Lynda Kennedy's profile
Population Statistics Users Engagement Strategy 2015