2984 publications
Further information and related links - Manufacturing Sales & Exports survey
Further information and related links in the Manufacturing Sales and Exports survey.
2014 NI Annual Business Inquiry questionnaire
For details of changes to the 2014 NI Annual Business Inquiry questionnaire please see the document below
ABI Quality Improvement Fund Project
Please see the following article for further information on recent methodological improvements to the NI Annual Business Inquiry.
Integration of the ABI and the MSES
Please see the following article for further information on recent methodological improvements to the NI Annual Business Inquiry.
ABI Quinquennial Review
Please see the following article for further information on recent methodological improvements to the NI Annual Business Inquiry.
IDBR user group meeting and further information
Documents relevant to the Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR) user group meeting (17 December 2013) and further information.
Archive publications - IDBR
IDBR Current Facts and Figures publication and archive publications
Northern Ireland Road Safety Partnership Public Attitude Survey Results Report 2014
Statistics Advisory Committee Minutes 2 April 2015
2011 Census - Evaluation Reports
Reports for a number of work areas within the wider census project.
Registrar General Annual Report 2015 - Cause of Death
Registrar General Annual Report 2015 - Marriages and Divorces
Registrar General Annual Report 2015 - Civil Partnerships and Civil Partnership Dissolutions
Registrar General Annual Report 2015 - Adoptions, Re-Registrations and Gender Recognition Infographic
Registrar General Annual Report 2015 - Adoptions, Re-Registrations and Gender Recognition
Registrar General Annual Report 2015 Key Points Tables
Registrar General Annual Report 2015 Population Tables
Registrar General Annual Report 2015 Birth Tables
Registrar General Annual Report 2015 Stillbirths and Infant Deaths Tables
Registrar General Annual Report 2015 Deaths Tables