2984 publications
Long-Term International Migration Statistics for Northern Ireland Statistical Bulletins 2005-2012
Long-term international migration statistics for Northern Ireland historical publications - statistical bulletins 2005-2009 and 2012.
Northern Ireland Road Safety Partnership Statistical Report 2012
2011 Census - Quality Survey
Download the 2011 Census Quality Survey report.
NISRA Annual Report and Accounts 2012-13
The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) presents its Annual Report and Accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2013.
2011 Census - Detailed Characteristics for Northern Ireland on Ethnicity, Country of Birth and Language
This release comprises Detailed Characteristics statistics from 2011 Census.
2012 Mid Year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland Statistical Bulletin
2012 Mid Year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland
Census Advisory Group Minutes - 24 June 2013
CAG minutes and presentation, including update papers, from 24 June 2013 are available to download.
Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 1st April 2013
Changes to the Survey Control Methodology for 2012-13
Archive publications - Exporting Northern Ireland Services
Exporting Nothern Ireland Services archive data
Analysis of NICS Recruitment Competitions 2012
Report on user consultation regarding methodology on tourism statistics
Northern Ireland Statistics Research Agency carried out a user consultation exercise regarding methodology on tourism statistics.
2011 Census - Detailed Characteristics for Northern Ireland on Identity, Religion and Health
This release comprises Detailed Characteristics statistics from the 2011 Census.
NISRA Customer Satisfaction Survey 2012
The report details the level of customer satisfaction and provides NISRA with feedback on how it is performing and how it can make improvements. Comparisons with the previous year are also given.
NISRA Business Plan 2013-14
NISRA’s operational business plan for 2013-14 is a one year standalone plan that draws on the strategic themes set out in our 2012-15 Corporate Plan.
NISRA Customer Satisfaction Survey 2013
The report details the level of customer satisfaction and provides NISRA with feedback on how it is performing and how it can make improvements.
Mid Year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland Rebased (2001-11) Statistical Bulletin
Rebased mid year population and migration estimates for Northern Ireland (2001-2011) statistical bulletin.
2011 Census - Quick Statistics for Northern Ireland on Communal Establishments and Approximated Social Grade
This release comprises a further three Quick Statistics tables from the 2011 Census.
AccessNI Customer Survey 2013
2011 Census - Outputs Roadshow
As part of its ongoing user consultation, NISRA organised two roadshows to discuss outputs from the 2011 Census.