2984 publications
2011 Census - Short-Term Resident Population Statistics for Northern Ireland
Alternative population statistics providing estimates of the number and characteristics of non-UK born short-term resident population in NI.
Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 1st July 2014
Measuring tourism locally - minutes
A tourism statistics user group meeting was held on 2nd September 2014.
Northern Ireland Road Safety Partnership Statistical Report 2013
Background to NI Census of Employment
Query response policy
The query response policy for Tourism Statistics Branch.
Developing tourism statistics in Northern Ireland
An overview of organisational changes, revisions to methodology and an explanation of any resultant breaks in the statisical series.
Northern Ireland Innovation Survey 2006
NI Innovation Survey 2006: 2003 – 2005
Regional Development Office Population Estimates by Specific Age Bands (2001-2014)
Commissioned output for the Regional Development Office - Population Estimates by Specific Age Bands (2011-2014)
Health and Social Care Trusts Population by age, sex and deprivation quintiles (2001-2014)
Commissioned output - population by age, sex and deprivation quintiles by Health and Social Care Trusts (2001-2014)
Net International, Great Britain and Internal Migration by age and former 26 LGDs (2013)
Commissioned output - Net International, Great Britain and Internal Migration by age and former 26 LGDs (2013)
Net International and Great Britain Migration by Age and Sex (2011-2013)
Commissioned output - net international and Great Britain migration by age and sex (2011-2013)
NISRA Customer Survey DMB Results 2014
Results from the 2014 NISRA Customer Survey for Demography and Methodology Branch.
Population Statistics Presentations
Various presentations related to population statistics.
NISRA Annual Report and Accounts 2013-14
The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) presents its Annual Report and Accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2014.
2013 Mid Year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland Statistical Bulletin
2013 mid year population estimates for Northern Ireland statistical bulletin and figures one to eight.
Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 1st April 2014
Labour market expert user group meeting
Economic and Labour Market Statistics (ELMS) statistical user group meetings
Seeking user views on the development of a set of Supply Use tables for Northern Ireland
Documents relevant to user views on the development of a set of Supply-Use tables for Northern Ireland.
AccessNI Customer Survey 2014