Date published:
Statistics: Labour Force Survey, Work, pay and benefits
23rd November 2022: The Labour Force Survey annual tables for 2021 have been published below, alongside, a new set of tables which include Labour Market Status at the Northern Ireland level and sub-population level, including LGD, urban/rural area, deprivation quintile, parliamentary constituency, age, sex, marital status, religion, disability, dependents and ethnicity (where available).
The Highest qualification level and participation in education and training tables have also been updated to include 2021 and reweighted 2020 data, these can be accessed here.
The Labour Force Survey Annual Summary Report 2021 provides key labour market results from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) for the year ending 31st December 2021. Headline employment, unemployment and economic inactivity estimates are included. The report can be accessed at the following link:
Labour Force Survey Annual Summary Report 2021
The Labour Force Survey Local Government District (LGD) tables have also been updated to include 2021 and reweighted 2020 data and can be accessed here.